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To assist internal communications and to establish a better understanding of individual staff needs in relation to the needs and aims of the department/division. To identify training and development needs. To improve performance and job satisfaction and to help identify necessary changes in organisation or operation. Operation of the Scheme Every staff member is expected to sit down in a supportive but structured appraisal meeting with a supervisor/manager at least once a year to discuss their job. A record will be retained of those meetings agreed by both participants, as an aid to personal development. Supervisors/managers (the Appraiser) will be appropriately trained to carry out this task. Staff members will be briefed on the purpose of the scheme in advance of the appraisal meeting. They will be asked to prepare for their appraisal and a Self Assessment Guide is attached which should assist in this process. Discussion should be honest and constructive. It is intended as an opportunity for the individual (the Appraisee) and the Appraiser to engage, in confidence, in a joint review of recent, current and anticipated work, and discuss future developments. The meeting should be planned in advance, conducted in a quiet place free from interruptions, and adequate time should be set aside for the meeting. The Appraiser will summarise the conclusions of the meeting, including any training needs identified. This should include training identified to improve performance in the current role or development aimed to equip the Appraisee to undertake a broader, different or more senior role in the future. After completing Form B, the Appraiser should give the Appraisee a copy to retain. The Appraiser should pass Part B of the form to the Head of Department. Having reviewed the actions required on Part B, and signed it, the Head of Department should then retain a copy on the appraisees departmental file. There maybe extraordinary circumstances where Appraisees need support to help facilitate this process e.g., where English is a second language. Appraisers/managers are expected to provide any necessary support and Appraisees also have the opportunity to ask work colleagues or their trade union for help and assistance. The Head of Department/Division should meet with the Appraisers in their department on an annual basis to consider any broader issues that have been raised during the appraisal of the staff in the department Follow up In order to meet the objectives identified it is essential that follow up action is carried out. This may include arranging appropriate training, and/or undertaking further discussion about working practices etc. Self Assessment Guide You may use this sheet to help you prepare for your appraisal. You might find it useful to make notes before the meeting and can, if you wish, write on this paper. You can keep the paper or destroy it after the interview. First think about you Strengths What you do well? Weaknesses Where there might be room for improvement? Opportunities Chances that you would like to take to develop your skills or employability. Difficulties Things that stand in the way of doing a good job or your personal development. And from the above, consider anything that you think needs to be addressed by your supervisor/manager. Then think about your job Consider the positive aspects of your work. What you enjoy What you are good at What helps you to develop your skills. Consider the negative aspects of your work. What you don't like doing What you find difficult Think about how things could be made better Better for you Better for UCL Training FORM A Full Name:Grade:Job Title: Section:Place of work: Appraiser:Date of review: We talked about: We agreed to do the following: We identified the following training needs:  Signed (Appraiser) Signed (Appraisee) FORM B After completing Form B the Appraiser should give the Appraisee a copy to retain and pass the original Form B to the Head of Department. During the course of the review meeting the following areas of training and/or development needs have been identified. (Please be as specific as possible) Description of training and development needed Target Date For guidance on available training and development please visit the  HYPERLINK "/human-resources/learning-development/learning-academy" Organisational Development website. Summary and evaluation of training and development activities undertaken since the last review (if none, please make that clear): Is your job description up to date? If not, please bring it to the meeting to discuss. Please speak to your line manager if you do not have a copy. Yes/No (or provide comments for discussion with your appraiser)  FORM B (continued) Other SupportArrangements With the move to hybrid working, it is importantthat line managersmake sure staffarefullysupported in their working environment, whether this is at home on campus. All staff ʷ¼ are required to attend mandatory training courses, some of which must be refreshed each year. Please check your past training history in your  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/myhr" MyHR Learning record. You may also have mandatory training that is specific to your role (e.g. Safety and Fire in labs) Are you up to date with your HYPERLINK "/human-resources/learning-development/mandatory-learning" \t "_blank" Mandatory Learning? Yes/No  HYPERLINK "/safety-services/policies/2022/feb/display-screen-equipment-dse-assessment" \o "Display Screen Equipment assessments" Display Screen Equipment assessments are mandatory ʷ¼ and should be completed as part of the induction process and every three years routinely. If there is a significant change in circumstances or the workplace environment, a new assessment should be requested. This is to ensure you have access to the right support and equipment to enable you to carry out your work. Have you completed a (DSE) assessment within the last 3 years or have your circumstances changed significantly to require a new assessment? Yes/No  As a result of your DSE assessment have you discussed anyspecificsupport needs with your line manager? Do you require any  HYPERLINK "/equality-diversity-inclusion/equality-areas-and-support/disability-equality/defining-disability-and-reasonable-adjustments" adjustments due to a disability or an underlying health condition? Yes/No (or provide comments for discussion with your appraiser) Recording your UCL Citizenship activity You should use this opportunity to discuss your activity with your line manager, both to ensure that this work aligns with the expectations and priorities of your team/area of work, and to ensure that any support needs can be fully discussed. Your line manager may wish to discuss  HYPERLINK "/human-resources/learning-development/coaching-mentoring-and-team-development" Coaching or Mentoring support,  HYPERLINK "/human-resources/learning-development/career-support-opportunities/study-assistance-scheme" Career support opportunities, or a  HYPERLINK "/human-resources/request-accelerated-incremental-progression-or-award-contribution-point" Request For Accelerated Incremental Progression Or Award Of Contribution Point. Details of CitizenshipActivityDate/s We do not require an electronic signature on this document. By adding your name this signifies your sign off. Name of Appraisee Name of Appraiser Name of Head of Department/Division: Date of sign off: Record of follow up review session It is strongly recommended that the appraisal document is reviewed at least 3-4 months after the initial appraisal meeting as this provides an opportunity to discuss progress, assess any additional support needs, or adjust goals in line with any changes in work. Summary notes of review Name of Appraisee: Name of Appraiser: Date of sign off:  In the event of a disagreement between the Appraiser and Appraisee regarding the content of the completed appraisal form, please complete the following form:  HYPERLINK "https://liveuclac-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/ucyzihe_ucl_ac_uk/EbcU2BCJTE1KiQu2YYy9b50BKLqcN-Hx8vS2sZ-bwy5vIA?email=i.heffernan%40ucl.ac.uk&e=eDQ05X" \h Request to review Appraisal process  This group is defined as all of UCLs manual and craft staff which includes frontline staff responsible for UCL security and skilled trades persons.     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