

Short courses - staff resources


Delivering a short course: a toolkit for staff

Information and guidance for UCL staff on how to design, develop, and deliver short and continuing professional development (CPD) courses.


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Discover the steps involved in planning and designing a short course and where to start.


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Research the market for your course, decide how to deliver your course, work out how much to charge, and get your new course approved.


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Set learning outcomes for you course, design engaging activities, decide how you’ll assess learners, and ensure your course is accessible.


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Ensure your course meets the rules on advertising and copyright.

Marketing and advertising

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Create a marketing plan and materials, and make your course easy to find online.


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Conduct quality assurance checks before your course goes live.

Launch, bookings and payments

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Decide how to collect payments from your learners and create certificates well before your course starts.


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Improve your course based on feedback and measure the impact of your course.