

UCL Accommodation


UCL Accommodation 2024-25

This page includes important information about your rights and obligations when living in UCL Accommodation.

This page was updated on 20March 2024

Contents Table

Section A - UCL Accommodation Promise
Section B - Licence Agreement
Section C - Accommodation General Regulations

Section A – UCL Accommodation Promise

UCL Accommodation are committed to ensuring customers receive an excellent level of service and to responding to their feedback. We strive to apply the University’s Accommodation eligibility criteria, and any other applicable policies, fairly and consistently. We aim to provide a friendly and approachable service, actively listening to our customers and working with them to create a service based on mutual respect and understanding.

Living in university accommodation is a community experience that the vast majority of students enjoy. Regulations are necessary to ensure the smooth operation of UCL Accommodation. In essence, the Accommodation General Regulations (the “General Regulations”) (set out in Section B of this document) are built around a few general principles:

• Behave in a manner that shows respect for your fellow residents, staff and visitors; being particularly mindful of safety, security and peace of mind.
• Respect the building you live in and its furnishings so that future generations of students can enjoy it.
• Be aware of the regulations governing the terms of your occupancy and the payment of fees.
• Be aware of UCL’s Code of Conduct for Students
• Be aware of UCL’s Disciplinary Code and Procedure in Respect of Students

We promise to:

  1. Be friendly, courteous and helpful whenever we speak to you.
  2. Regularly review our standards against your feedback, to improve our service.
  3. Ensure staff listen and resolve accommodation enquiries or direct you to an appropriate contact.
  4. Endeavour to respond to written complaints promptly in accordance with Regulation 28.
  5. Agree a timescale with you for keeping you informed of the progress, if the matter in respect of which a written complaint has been lodged is complex.
  6. Promote equality and diversity by treating all individuals with dignity, respect and sensitivity.

In return, we ask you:

  1. To treat our team with respect. We’ll treat you with respect, so please do the same in return.
  2. To speak to our team professionally. We have a zero-tolerance approach to aggression and abuse towards our staff.
  3. To be mindful of your behaviour. All staff and students deserve a working and studying environment where everyone is treated with equal respect and dignity.

Before your admission to UCL accommodation, you are required to accept and abide by the General Regulations and such other rules applicable to the accommodation thʷ¼ may make from time to time and notify you about. Failure to abide by such rules and the General Regulations, could result in disciplinary action being taken against you in accordance with the Disciplinary Code and your Licence Agreement may be terminated, resulting in you needing to vacate the accommodation.

Important terms in your Licence Agreement and General Regulations

The terms on which you are entitled to occupy your accommodation are set out in your Licence Agreement, which you agree to comply with when you accept your offer of accommodation electronically via UCL’s online accommodation system and the General Regulations (Section B). You are advised to read the Licence Agreement and the General Regulations carefully before accepting an offer of accommodation.

Your Licence Agreement contains several important terms, including:

  • The obligation to pay accommodation fees (clause 5 in your Licence Agreement).
  • The duration of your licence (clause 2 in your Licence Agreement).
  • The grounds on which UCL may terminate your licence early, for example if you breach the standards of behaviour required by the General Regulations (clause 3 in your Licence Agreement).
  • The circumstances in which UCL might require you to move rooms or relocate to other accommodation (clauses 2 and 3 in your Licence Agreement, and Regulation 44 of the General Regulations).
  • Your liability to pay additional fees if you are late in paying accommodation fees, or if you lose your keys, fob or access/ swipe card (clauses 5 (b) and 5 (c) in your Licence Agreement).
  • Your liability to pay additional charges if your accommodation or any communal areas, furniture or facilities are damaged or left in an unacceptable state (clause 5(e) in your Licence Agreement, and see also Regulations 20 and 24 of the General Regulations).
  • Your responsibility to review and complete the room condition report within seven days of moving into the Accommodation (clause 5(e) in your Licence Agreement).
  • The requirement to comply with relevant UCL regulations (clause 1 in your Licence Agreement), some breaches of which may lead to early termination of your licence and/or termination of your studies (clause 3 in your Licence Agreement). Less serious breaches can lead to charges, as explained in the examples given in this document.
  • Restrictions on UCL’s liability for matters such as theft or damage to your property and we recommend that you obtain appropriate insurance for your belongings (clause 6.(a)(iv) in your Licence Agreement, and clause 6.(b) in your Licence Agreement, and Regulations 28 and 29 of the General Regulations).
  • Circumstances in which UCL might pay compensation for example in certain circumstances where services to your accommodation fail and the time limits for notifying such claims (clause 6.(a)(v) in your Licence Agreement, and Regulations 28 and 29 of the General Regulations).
  • The requirement to pay a Deposit (clause 5 (a) in your Licence Agreement).

The General Regulations also contain important information, including:

  • Safety and emergency evacuation procedures (Regulation 16 of the General Regulations).
  • The procedure and time limits for submitting complaints (Regulation 28 of the General Regulations).
  • The requirement to register with a GP (Regulation 40 of the General Regulations).
  • The requirement not to sub-licence your Accommodation (Regulation 7 of the General Regulations).

Section B - Licence Agreement

UCL Accommodation Licence Agreement 2024- 2025 (the “Licence Agreement”)

1. Preliminary

University College London (“UCL”) hereby licences you the accommodation referred to in your offer of accommodation or such other accommodation allocated to you by UCL, including any other accommodation which you have moved to in accordance with the provisions of this Licence Agreement (the “Accommodation”) on the terms of this Licence Agreement on the understanding that such occupancy is as a licensee, which gives you a contractual right to occupy the Accommodation, and not as a tenant. As a licensee, you have no legal interest in the Accommodation. This Licence Agreement is legally binding.

In this Licence Agreement any reference to the “General Regulations” means the UCL Accommodation General Regulations 2024-2025 which can be reviewed on theFees, guidance and paymentwebpage. If you are unable to access this web link, please contact the Halls Team before accepting your offer of Accommodation, so you can be sent a copy of the General Regulations to read before accepting your offer of Accommodation. Any definitions contained within the General Regulations are incorporated into this Licence Agreement, unless this Licence Agreement expressly states otherwise.

You are granted a right to occupy the Accommodation for the purpose of living accommodation and the right in common with UCL and all others authorised by UCL to do so to use the communal areas in the building in which the Accommodation is located, subject to the provisions set out in this Licence Agreement and the General Regulations.

You must comply with all the requirements set out in this Licence Agreement as well as those in the General Regulations, which together form the contract between UCL and you relating to the Accommodation and which set out respective rights and responsibilities. This Licence Agreement will take precedence in the event of any contradiction between the General Regulations and this Licence Agreement. Separately and in addition, as a student of UCL you must comply with the following:

If you are under 18 when you accept an offer of the Accommodation, UCL will hold theLicence Agreement on trust for you until you reach 18. During that time, you will enjoy all the rights set out in this Licence Agreement and be subject to all the obligations contained in it. When you reach 18, you will be entitled to terminate the Licence Agreement in accordance with the provisions at clause 4(d) of this Licence Agreement. If you choose not to do so, the Licence Agreement will be legally binding upon you.

2. Duration of your license and UCL's right to move you to other accommodation

This Licence Agreement applies to the period commencing on and including 21 September 2024 up to, and including, 21 June 2025 (10 September 2025 for a 50.57 week contract)* subject to earlier termination in accordance with Clause 3 or Clause 4 below.

At the end of the licence period you will be required to vacate your Accommodation and remove your belongings by 10:00 am on 21 June 2025 (10 September 2025 for a 50.57 week contract)*. Any belongings left in your Accommodation after the expiry of your Licence Agreement will be deemed to be abandoned should you fail to take steps to recover the goods following notice to you that the goods may be disposed of. Notice of this will be left in your Accommodation if UCL does not have a forwarding address for you. Any loss incurred by UCL as a result of your failure to remove goods on determination of the Licence Agreement, including any storage costs, may be charged to your accommodation account.

During the term of your Licence Agreement UCL may require you to move to an alternative room where reasonably necessary in the interests of good estate management or as otherwise permitted under the terms of this Licence Agreement and the General Regulations, in accordance with Regulation 44 of the General Regulations.

This Licence Agreement is personal to you and is not transferable.

*2 January 2025 for students holding a Term 1 only Licence Agreement.

3. Termination of licence agreement by UCL

The licence granted by Clause 1 of this Licence Agreement may be terminated by UCL:

(a) giving you at least 14 days’ written notice if you are in serious or persistent breach of any of your obligations under this Licence Agreement or the General Regulations as updated from time to time, including, but not limited to:

(i) You cause damage to your Accommodation and or the furniture and or the equipment, fixtures and fittings in your Accommodation such that it is not reasonably usable for residential purposes (Regulation 5 of the General Regulations)
(ii) You cause damage to the building (including any communal areas) in which your Accommodation is located and/or to the furniture and/or the equipment, fixtures and fittings in the building (Regulation 5 of the General Regulations)
(iii) You commit an act of gross misconduct or engage in illegal activity, including but not limited to, sexual harassment or sexual violence, harassment, violent, threatening or offensive behaviour, vandalism and drug use (including substances defined under the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016) (Regulations 22, 23 and 41 of the General Regulations),
(iv) You misuse fire safety equipment, etc., including maliciously triggering the fire alarm or covering or damaging smoke detectors or setting off the fire extinguishers (Regulation 16 of the General Regulations)
(v) You engage in anti-social behaviour including, but not limited to, repeated incidents of excessive or persistent noise, abusive or threatening behaviour, vandalism etc (Regulations 18 and 41 of the General Regulations.)
(vi) You sub-licence your Accommodation or otherwise part with or allow any third party into possession (Regulation 7 of the General Regulations)
(vii) You are in possession of or use illegal substances, including legal highs (Regulations 15 and 22 of the General Regulations)
(viii) You make persistent call outs for non-emergency reasons at unreasonable hours (after 23:00 and before 08:00) (Regulation 1 of the General Regulations)
(ix) You tamper with or remove window restrictors (Regulation 13 of the General Regulations)
(x) You use cooking equipment humidifiers or other prohibited items in your Accommodation (Regulation 15 of the General Regulations)
(xi) You have prohibited items in your Accommodation (Regulations 8 and 15 of the General Regulations)
(xii) You smoke (including e-cigarettes or vape pens) in your Accommodation or anywhere in the halls (Regulation 15 and Regulation 8 of the General Regulations)
(xiii) You play ballgames in your Accommodation or any part of the halls (Regulation 15 of the General Regulations)
(xiv) You have a pet in your Accommodation (Regulation 17 of the General Regulations)
(xv) You fraudulently obtain a meal from the catering provision at the halls in which your Accommodation is located for a non-resident (Regulation 9 of the General Regulations)
(xvi) You enter Prohibited Areas and or take action likely to cause injury or impair the safety of others (Regulations 14, 15 and 16 of the General Regulations)

(b) giving you at least 14 days’ written notice, if you cease to be a student ʷ¼. Similarly, if you withdraw or interrupt from your studies ʷ¼, you are required to leave your Accommodation within 14 days of the date of your withdrawal or interruption from UCL. If you choose to leave UCL you will continue to be held liable for accommodation fees until the later of:
(i) the date you leave your Accommodation and return your keys; and
(ii) the date that official confirmation is received from Student Records that
you have withdrawn or interrupted from UCL.

(c) giving you reasonable written notice if:
(i) you are the subject of disciplinary proceedings pursuant to the Disciplinary Code; or
(ii) you are subject to a criminal investigation; or
(iii) you receive a criminal conviction

and UCL reasonably considers following a risk assessment that because of your behaviour, to protect your well-being or the well-being of others or to prevent damage to the Accommodation and/or the building in which your Accommodation is located, it is necessary to terminate your right to occupy the Accommodation.

(d) giving you reasonable written notice if you are subject to precautionary measures (including suspension from UCL and/or exclusion from all or any UCL premises) pursuant to the Disciplinary Code and it is therefore necessary to terminate your right to occupy the Accommodation.

(e) giving you reasonable written notice if you are subject to a disciplinary decision (including, but not limited to a decision of the Registrar or the Discipline Committee) pursuant to the Disciplinary Code that necessitates a termination of your right to occupy the Accommodation.

(f) giving you written notice of not less than 7 days if you do not arrive at the Accommodation by the end of the first week of the licence period set out at clause 2 above and have not notified UCL that you will be arriving late in accordance with Regulation 25 of the General Regulations.

(g) giving you reasonable written notice of not less than 14 days if you cease to be a full-time student ʷ¼. For the avoidance of doubt UCL will only provide accommodation for full-time students. If ʷ¼is notified that your status has changed to part-time or your course has finished, your Licence Agreement will be terminated upon giving you at least 14 days’ notice in writing.

(h) giving you written notice of not less than 28 days where you are in arrears of your accommodation fees.

Following termination of your Licence Agreement court proceedings may be issued should you fail to give up possession of your Accommodation pursuant to any notice served to terminate this Licence Agreement.

Termination of this Licence Agreement shall not affect the rights of either party in connection with any breach of any obligation under this Licence Agreement which existed at or before the date of termination.

UCL shall also have the right to relocate you to other accommodation, where reasonably necessary in accordance with Regulation 44 of the General Regulations.

4. When you can terminate this license agreement

Except under the following circumstances you shall not be entitled to terminate this Licence Agreement which shall in any event terminate on 21 June 2025 (10 September 2025 for a 50.57 week contract)* and you undertake to remain in occupation of the Accommodation throughout the licence period referred to at Clause 2 and make all payments required.

(a) During the first term
If you would like to leave your Accommodation after your arrival during the first term you can give notice by submitting a Notice to Quit request online on the . If a suitable replacement student is found, you will remain liable for your accommodation fees until the replacement student takes over your Accommodation. A suitable replacement student is a UCL student who is not currently in UCL accommodation and is deemed to be suitable in UCL’s reasonable opinion. If no suitable replacement is found, you remain liable for your accommodation fees until the end of the first invoicing period which is 4 January 2025*.

(b) At the end of the first term
If you would like to leave your Accommodation at the end of the first term you are required to give at least 28 days written notice prior to 4 January 2025 i.e. you must complete and submit a Notice to Quit request online on the no later than 6 December 2024. If you submit the notice after 6 December 2024, you will remain liable for your accommodation fees until a suitable replacement student takes over your Accommodation. A suitable replacement student is a UCL student who is not currently in UCL accommodation and is deemed to be suitable in UCL’s reasonable opinion. However, if no suitable replacement is found you remain liable for your accommodation fees until the end of the third term for invoicing purposes, which is 21 June 2025 (10 September 2025 for a 50.57 week contract) *.

(c) During the remaining terms
If you would like to leave your Accommodation during the remaining terms you must submit a Notice to Quit request online on the . If a suitable replacement student is found, you will remain liable for your accommodation fees until the suitable replacement student takes over your Accommodation. A suitable replacement student is a UCL student who is not currently in UCL accommodation and is deemed to be suitable in UCL’s reasonable opinion. If no suitable replacement is found, you remain liable for your accommodation fees until the end of the contract date which is 21 June 2025 (10 September 2025 for a 50.57 week contract).

(d) On turning 18

You may terminate this Licence Agreement if you are under 18 when you accept the offer of the Accommodation provided that you comply with the following points (i) and (ii):

(i) within two weeks after your 18th birthday you submit a Notice to Quit request online on the giving not less than 28 days written notice of your intention to terminate this Licence Agreement and in the notice you specify the date on which you want the Licence Agreement to end (the “End Date”) which must be no later than 42 days after your 18th birthday; and
(ii) you have paid in full on or before the End Date all of the accommodation fees due under this Licence Agreement up to and including the End Date.

Please note: if you give notice to quit at any time but do not move out or return keys/Swipe or Access Cards/Electronic Key Fobs to the Hall Team, this Licence Agreement and your liability for accommodation fees (and all other terms under this Licence Agreement) will continue as if the notice to quit was not given.

*2 January 2025 for students holding a Term 1 only Licence Agreement.

The UCL Accommodation Office maintains a list of students who are seeking UCL allocated accommodation. If you wish to leave your Accommodation early, they may be able to assist in finding another suitable student to take your place. All enquiries of this nature should be made to the UCL Accommodation Office accommodation@ucl.ac.uk or raise an enquiry via askUCL.

5. Fees
(a) Accommodation Fees and Deposit
Accommodation fees are payable by you for each term on demand. You can view the weekly fees for UCL accommodation and find instructions on how to pay on theFees, guidance and paymentwebpage. You will be notified via your UCL email account when your Invoices are available on your Portico account. The payment due date will be indicated on your Invoice. Your accommodation fees will not be reduced to take account of any periods when you did not occupy your Accommodation.

As part of the offer acceptance process to secure your place in UCL accommodation, you are required to pay a Deposit of £250 by the deadline stated in your offer email. The Deposit will be deducted from your first Invoice for your accommodation fees.

(b) Non-Payment
If you are unable to pay you must inform the hall office of your Accommodation of your circumstances to see if a payment plan is appropriate (but please note there is no obligation on UCL to agree any such plan).

If your accommodation fees remain unpaid by the due date and if you have made no formal repayment arrangement, UCL may pass all outstanding and future debts to an external debt collection agency, which may result in legal action through the Courts and a County Court Judgment made against you.

(c) Keys
On arrival a set of room keys will be issued to you by the hall office of your Accommodation. These keys form part of a security suite and cannot be duplicated except by the hall office at your Accommodation. The safekeeping of your keys is important and is your responsibility. If you lose your keys, you must immediately advise the hall office at your Accommodation, where you will be asked to present proof of identity.

You will be charged no more than the reasonable cost of replacing the keys, which may be in the region of:

  • £40 charge to replace a set of room keys (includes Electronic Key Fob, Swipe/Access Card, room keys, post key)
  • £20 charge to replace a fob/Swipe or Access card/single key (front door, post box, bicycle shed etc.)
  • £5 charge for a replacement meal card
  • £30 charge for a lock change where a lock change is reasonable in the circumstances (plus additional charge for room keys).

It is your responsibility to return your keys to the hall office of the building in which your Accommodation is located when you leave your Accommodation at the end of your occupation under this Licence Agreement.

(d) Room Checks
UCL reserves the right to access your Accommodation on reasonable notice (at least 24 hours’ notice in writing, but sooner access may be required in an emergency) and all areas of the building (including student rooms/flats) are checked every term by UCL staff or their representatives, and communal areas are checked weekly against the following criteria:
• Acceptable cleanliness
• Damage to the fabric of the building
• Damage to furniture, fittings
• Introduction of prohibited items, e.g., un-fused/cubed Adaptors, candles, use of cooking equipment in bedrooms, etc.
• Damage, misuse or loss of fire detection and firefighting equipment

(e) Your responsibility to pay for damage, loss of UCL property and cleaning costs

(i) damage is caused to your Accommodation and/or the furniture, equipment, fixtures and fittings located in the Accommodation and/or to any other property including to communal areas (for example shared kitchens and bathrooms) and/or the furniture, equipment, fixtures and fittings in them; and/or
(ii) you fail to keep your Accommodation and/or any communal areas, including shared kitchens and bathrooms in an acceptably clean state as required by the General Regulations; and/or
(iii) any UCL property is taken from your Accommodation


  • you will be responsible for the reasonable cost of repair or replacement (whichever is cheaper) where loss/damage is caused by your negligence or wilful acts or resulting from the negligence or wilful acts of anyone you have invited into your Accommodation or the building of which your Accommodation is part, including the communal areas at the building. In instances where, after reasonable investigations, responsibility for damage caused to communal areas, such as shared kitchens and bathrooms, and or any furniture, equipment, fixtures and fittings in them, cannot be attributed to any individual or individuals, the reasonable cost of repair and replacement (whichever is cheaper) will be divided equally among the students permitted to use the relevant communal area.
  • where cleaning is required, you will be charged back the same cost as the cleaning contractor charges UCL, no additional charges will be added. Where additional cleaning is required in communal areas, such as shared kitchens and bathrooms, and after reasonable investigations the responsibility cannot be attributed to any individual or individuals, the cost the cleaning contractor charges to UCL will be divided equally among the students permitted to use the relevant communal area.

UCL may invoice you for the reasonable cost of repair or replacement and or the cost of the cleaning and you must pay the Invoice within 28 days.

Failure to pay an Invoice may result in action being taken by UCL to recover those sums.

It is essential that you report any damage to the hall office at your Accommodation immediately.

Your Hall Team will have completed a room inspection documenting the condition of the items in your Accommodation prior to your arrival. Within seven days of moving into the Accommodation you should review your room condition report by logging into the , selecting Room Condition and following the instructions to review the report. The room condition report that you complete will be used at the end of your Licence Agreement to determine any damages and charges attributable to you.

You are not, however, required to pay for disrepair caused by fair wear and tear.

6. Whʷ¼ accepts liabilty for and limits on UCL's liability to you

6(a) UCL will be liable:

(i) for death or personal injury arising from its own negligence, or from its own acts or omissions that it is responsible for

(ii) for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation that it is responsible for

(iii) in respect of any other rights or liabilities it has that may not be lawfully excluded or restricted (for example under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 or the Equality Act 2010)

(iv) for theft of, or damage to any of your property in your UCL Accommodation where such theft or damage is caused by the negligence or wilful actions of UCL up to a maximum of £2,000 in total for one academic year

(v) for compensation where services to your Accommodation temporarily fail as a result of action or inaction by UCL or its contractors in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 28 and Regulation 29 of the General Regulations

Claims for compensation under clauses 6(a)(v) must be made in writing in accordance with the provisions set out in Regulation 28 and Regulation 29 of the General Regulations.

6(b) Subject to clause 6(a) above, in accordance with the provisions set out in Regulation 28 and Regulation 29 of the General Regulations, ʷ¼is not liable for:

(i) theft of, or damage to any of your property or the property of your invitees to your Accommodation and/or the building of which your Accommodation forms part where such theft or damage is not caused by the negligence or wilful actions of UCL (for example where a third party steals or damages your property), or to the extent it exceeds the limitation under clause 6(a)(iv) above;

(ii) any losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses or other liability incurred by you or your invitees to your Accommodation and/or the building of which your Accommodation forms part in the exercise or purported exercise of the rights granted by this Licence Agreement to the extent that such matters are caused or contributed to by you or your invitees acting negligently, wilfully or recklessly in disregard of the terms of this Licence Agreement;

(iii) compensation for noise caused by building works or maintenance works and or for changes resulting from such works, in facilities provided; or

(iv) compensation for a lack of service or amenity where the individual(s) affected is/are aware of but has/have failed to report as soon as reasonably possible, in writing, a fault to the Accommodation Manager, or where a fault or interruption of service has been caused by acts of vandalism by you or your guests.

7. Miscellaneous

(a) A person who is not a party to this Licence Agreement shall not have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any terms of this Licence Agreement.
(b) This Licence Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
(c) The courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with this Licence Agreement or its subject matter or formation.
(d) Other than where this Licence Agreement explicitly provides otherwise all letters and notices sent under the terms of or in accordance with the provisions of this Licence Agreement need to be sent as follows (in order for the letters or notices to be deemed to be received):
i. UCL to you will be properly served if they are delivered to you by hand, first class post, or special delivery at the Accommodation and/or the address you provide to us when applying to us for the Accommodation (or such other address that you have notified UCL of in writing);
ii. you to UCL will be properly served if left or sent to UCL (by first class post or special delivery) at your hall address (or such other address thʷ¼ has notified you of in writing).
(e) A notice sent by the following means is to be treated as having been received:
i. if delivered by hand, on the day of delivery; or
ii. if sent by first class post or special delivery, on the first working day after posting.
(f) You agree to notify UCL of any change to the address you provide to us when applying to us for the Accommodation by updating your address details on Portico.
(g) You agree to pass on to us immediately any statutory letters or notices served on you by a third party (i.e. not UCL) that relate to your Accommodation.

Section C: Accommodation General Regulations

Please refer to the Glossary at the end of the General Regulations when reading the General Regulations. The Glossary contains definitions and useful further information.

1. Emergencies in Halls
The hall office is open 8am to 7pm Monday to Friday, and 9am to 5pm on Saturday during term time. Seasonal closures are as follows:

  • Christmas: 5:30pm on Friday, 20 December 2024 to 9:00am on Thursday, 2 January 2025
  • Easter: 5:30pm on Wednesday, 16 April 2025 to 9:00am on Wednesday, 23 April 2025
  • Bank Holidays: Monday, 5 May 2025, Monday, 26 May 2025 and Monday, 25 August 2025

Contact the Hall Team for assistance with any urgent problems during office hours. If you need emergency assistance outside of these hours, contact the UCL Security Control Room on +44 (0)20 7679 2108 or via . The contact number for the Hall Team and information about SafeZone will be displayed in the reception area of your Halls. Persistent call outs for non-emergency reasons at unreasonable hours (after 23:00 and before 08:00) is considered a breach of your Licence Agreement and may lead to termination of your Licence Agreement, therefore please consider the time and whether or not your call is an emergency before calling out of hours.

2. Luggage
If luggage is being shipped from abroad, it must be timed to arrive on or after your Licence Agreement start date. If you require luggage and items to be stored prior to your arrival, please contact or another company of your choice who can arrange collection and storage of your items. UCL will not store any item of luggage that arrives before the commencement of the licence period referred to in your Licence Agreement. UCL cannot guarantee the security of, and accepts no liability for, any item(s) which arrive prior to the commencement of the licence period referred to in your Licence Agreement. Upon arrival, all personal items must be stored in your room (the “Accommodation”) or in the case of bicycles, in the site bike store.

3. Study Bedroom
The Accommodation allocated to you should be the one that you occupy for the duration of your Licence Agreement. UCL Accommodation does however reserve the right to change your Accommodation allocation if there are any problems, in accordance with Regulation 44. You must not decorate or make any additions or alterations to your Accommodation. Please do not remove furniture from your Accommodation; the Halls do not have room to store it.

Do not put furniture (or any other personal items) out in the corridors, as this will compromise a fire exit route. Do not put furniture in other areas of the Halls or other students’ rooms. Soft furnishings (for example soft chairs and sofas) are not permitted in the kitchens, except where they have been provided by UCL Accommodation.

If you bring any furniture with you, it must comply with the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire safety) Regulations 1988 (as amended in 1989, 1993 and 2010), and be labelled appropriately. All items provided by UCL Accommodation, including but not limited to curtains, shower heads, and lightshades should not be replaced with any other item. Please note that the cost of any repairs or replacement required as a result of ignoring this request will be charged to you. Your Accommodation and kitchens will be inspected once a term; you will be informed in advance.

4. Appliance instructions
UCL provides kitchen appliances that undergo maintenance as part of the room inspection process or in response to notifications from residents. Guidance on appliance usage is accessible through the Hall Team, with options to either print the instructions or receive them via email. Additionally, instructions for other fixed appliances, such as heaters and showers, can be obtained upon request from the Hall Team.

5. Room Condition
Your Hall Team will have completed a room inspection documenting the condition of the items in your Accommodation prior to your arrival. Within seven days of moving into the Accommodation you should review your room condition report by logging into the , selecting Room Condition and following the instructions to review the report.

You are under an obligation to return the Accommodation in a condition equivalent to that found at the start of your Licence Agreement. You must not cause damage to your Accommodation and or the furniture, equipment and Fixtures and Fittings in it. Any damage, save for reasonable wear and tear, will be the financial responsibility of the resident in accordance with clause 5(e) of the Licence Agreement and where you cause damage to your Accommodation and/or the furniture and equipment in your Accommodation such that it is not reasonably usable for residential purposes your Licence Agreement may be terminated. You must leave the furniture, furnishings and other contents of your Accommodation listed in the room condition report in your Accommodation throughout your Licence Agreement.

Fixtures and Fittings should not be unscrewed from the wall and moved. Carpets and other flooring should not be pulled up. Shower heads are only to be changed by a technician authorised by UCL Accommodation following works or where replacement is required due to fault. Door hanging hooks are not to be used on any door within the Accommodation. Please note that the cost of any repairs or replacements required as a result of ignoring this request will be charged to you.

You must not cause damage to the Halls (including any communal areas within Halls) or to the furniture, equipment and Fixtures and Fittings in them. You may be charged for any damage (save for reasonable wear and tear) in accordance with General Regulation 20 and or your Licence Agreement may be terminated.

6. Occupants of Twin Rooms
It is not unusual for one of the occupants of a twin room to move out during the year. In the event of vacancies occurring in twin rooms, UCL reserves the right to require twin room residents to move rooms, so as to obtain the maximum use of the available accommodation. Further, where a vacancy exists for more than four weeks, the remaining occupant (in one half) will have a choice of (a) paying the single room rate and enjoying a single occupancy or (b) accepting that we may fill the vacant half. If the remaining student accepts a single occupancy, the outgoing student ceases to be liable from the date the single occupancy is created from. If the remaining student declines single occupancy, the outgoing student remains liable for accommodation fees under the Licence Agreement.

7. Occupation of Your Room
Your Accommodation is allocated on the basis of your sole occupancy, unless the Accommodation has been designated as a twin room by UCL, or with your partner/family in the case of couple/family accommodation. You are responsible for the behaviour of any partner/family permitted to occupy the Accommodation and must ensure that they comply with the terms of the Licence Agreement. You must not allow any other person to occupy or share your Accommodation. Your Licence Agreement may be terminated by UCL if you sub-licence your Accommodation or part with or allow a third party into possession. UCL reserves the right to relocate you in accordance with Regulation 44 of these General Regulations to alternative accommodation, if your Accommodation becomes uninhabitable for example due to loss of heat, water or power or for welfare issues.

You (and if applicable your partner/family in the case of couple/family accommodation) must not use the Accommodation for any purpose other than living accommodation. It is not permitted to run a business from the Accommodation or to use the Accommodation as the registered office for a business.

8. Smoking Policy
Smoking, including E-Cigarettes and vape pens, is not permitted anywhere in your Accommodation or in Halls. Smoking is also prohibited immediately outside the entrances or open windows of Halls. Smoking in non-designated areas is a disciplinary offence under the Disciplinary Code. Covering smoke detectors is a criminal offence and you may be subject to UCL’s Disciplinary Code and/or termination of your Licence Agreement. In the interests of fire safety hookahs, shishas, and similar smoking devices are not permitted in your Accommodation or anywhere in Halls. Any breach of this Regulation 8 may lead to termination of your Licence Agreement.

9. Meal Cards
A meal card will be issued for students in Ifor Evans Hall and Ramsay Hall on arrival. Cards must be shown at each mealtime. Meal tickets for guests can be purchased from the hall offices, for which you will be invoiced on your Portico account, and at some locations via a machine situated in the dining hall. It is a breach of your Licence Agreement to fraudulently obtain a meal for a non-resident by any means and this may lead to the termination of your Licence Agreement.

Breakfast and evening meals are provided Monday to Friday and weekend brunch for students in Ifor Evans Hall and Ramsay Hall. You must make your own arrangements for meals at the weekends, on Bank Holidays, UCL closure days, the Christmas vacation (three weeks) and one week during the Easter vacation, as no meals are served at these times.

10. I.T. Provision
All rooms have Wi-Fi provision. The cost of connection is included in your accommodation fees. Any damage to the network socket or equipment installed within rooms will be subject to a reasonable repair cost, based on the cost of repair of up to £100. For further information about the service, go to the Halls of Residence Network Connections webpage. Some UCL Halls have computer cluster rooms for residents’ use. Facilities in the computer cluster rooms are provided and maintained by UCL Information Systems, but issues can be reported to the Hall Team.

11. Cleaning
The primary responsibility for keeping your Accommodation, bathroom (if you have an ensuite room), and kitchen (if you occupy a studio or flat), clean and tidy lies with you. In Halls with shared or communal facilities, the primary responsibility for keeping shared or communal areas, including showers, toilets and kitchen facilities, clean and tidy falls to all residents who use the facilities.

Vacuum cleaners for student use are available in all Halls.

You are also responsible for the removal of waste to the area specified by the Hall Team and for recycling paper, glass, bottles, and cans.

Your Accommodation and any communal areas will be inspected from time to time and if your Accommodation and or any communal areas fall below an acceptable standard for health, safety and fire regulations, then they will be closed off, brought back up to standard and a charge may be levied against resident(s) for cleaning and/or repair (Clause 5(e) (Fees) of the Licence Agreement).

Communal kitchens will be cleaned once a week by UCL Accommodation’s cleaning contractor. In any communal kitchen, the cleaning contractor will complete a full surface clean of surfaces, front of cupboards, tables and chairs, appliances and floors. The kitchen cooker and microwaves will be externally cleaned, and the kitchen bins will be emptied.

The residents who use these facilities are responsible for keeping the communal kitchen clean between the weekly cleaning contractor visits and removing waste to the area specified by the Hall Team. Any kitchens reported by the cleaning contractor to the hall office as being at an unacceptable level of cleanliness will be inspected by the Hall Team and the residents who use these areas will be provided with a warning to bring the area back to an acceptable level or charges for additional cleaning will be implemented as per Regulation 20.

Any cases where there is excessive build up of mess and or waste within your Accommodation, bathroom (if you have an ensuite room), kitchen (if you occupy a studio or flat) or communal areas will be reported to the Hall Team.

12. Pest Control
From time-to-time unwanted vermin and insects may be detected within Halls. We have pest control operatives contracted to UCL Accommodation to carry out preventative and reactive pest control. Pests thrive in areas where food remnants are present, therefore you should ensure that all food is sealed before storing, food spillages are cleaned up immediately and cooking items and plates are cleaned after use. Should you detect any unwanted pests please inform the Hall Team as soon as possible. Any such reports will be passed on to the relevant contractor on the same day or on the first working day after the report if it is made out of hours. The contractor will respond within 48 hours.

13. Window Restrictors
For safety and security reasons, windows are fitted with restrictors, and you are not permitted to tamper with or remove window restrictors or the window warning stickers in your Accommodation or Halls. Tampering with or removing window restrictions in your Accommodation or Halls is a breach of your Licence Agreement and may lead to termination of your Licence Agreement. It is also a disciplinary offence under the Disciplinary Code to take action likely to cause injury or impair the safety of others. A charge may be levied for the cost of repair or reinstatement of the damaged or missing window restrictors and or window warning stickers.

14. Hall Exteriors and Prohibited Areas
You must not throw or drop items from windows or doors in your Accommodation or Halls. You are not permitted to enter any Prohibited Areas at your Halls. Entering a Prohibited Area will be a breach of your Licence Agreement and may lead to termination of your Licence Agreement. It is a disciplinary offence under the Disciplinary Code to enter any Prohibited Area. It is also a disciplinary offence under the Disciplinary Code to take action likely to cause injury or impair the safety of others.

Parking on UCL sites is not available for students during term time. Parking is for contractors authorised by UCL Accommodation only. For alternative solutions please speak to your Hall Team.

15. Prohibited Items and Activities
To ensure the health, safety and comfort of residents and staff, you must comply with the requirements set out in this Regulation. Breaching this Regulation may be a disciplinary offence under the Disciplinary Code and may lead to termination of your Licence Agreement. Prohibited items found will be removed and held until you move out.

  • Kettles and toasters are provided in each kitchen – you must not bring your own.
  • Cooking equipment may be stored in your Accommodation; however, cooking must only be undertaken in designated kitchen areas. Under no circumstances should equipment including but not limited to toasters, kettles, microwaves, rice cookers, sandwich makers, grills or hotplates be used in your Accommodation.
  • Refrigerators are not permitted in your Accommodation unless required for disability or health related reasons. If you would like to request permission to have a refrigerator in your Accommodation on health-related grounds you must contact the UCL Accommodation Office prior to your arrival.
  • You must not use or store in your Accommodation or in Halls:
    • portable heat equipment
    • firearms (including legally held and imitation firearms), or other weapons or dangerous substances such as explosives
    • knives (other than those used for food preparation) and fireworks
    • mood lighting such as fairy lights (other than those which are battery operated)
    • humidifiers
    • dart equipment
    • plug-in air fresheners
    • plug-in insect repellents
    • items which have a potential for a naked flame such as candles, incense sticks/fragrance burners/joss sticks, aromatherapy burners, hookah and shisha pipes, oil lamps, fireworks and barbecue equipment
    • illegal substances including legal highs (see Regulation 22 for more information)
    • vape pens, ‘bongs’ or similar paraphernalia producing smoke or vapour
    • Personal Light Electric Vehicles (PLEVs) including e-Scooters, e-Bikes and e-Unicycle or similar items but excluding pedal assisted bicycles
    • 3D printers.
  • You must not charge mobility scooters in your Accommodation or in Halls, including corridors and stairs forming part of the means of escape. Due to the very significant risk of battery fires particularly during charging, mobility scooters should only be charged in locations outside of your Accommodation.
  • You must not use multi-way cube Adaptors, non-fused electrical equipment, overloaded extension cords or any electrical equipment in disrepair in your Accommodation or anywhere in Halls.
  • You must not play ballgames in any part of your Accommodation or Halls.
  • Smoking, including e-cigarettes and vape pens, is not permitted in your Accommodation or anywhere in Halls (please see Regulation 8 above for more information).

16. Fire Safety
16.1. Student Advice
16.1.1. Within 5 days of moving into your Accommodation you (and your partner/family in the case of couple/family accommodation) must have booked onto the mandatory fire training walk and the walk must be completed by you (and your partner/family in the case of couple/family accommodation) within 14 days of the date you moved into your Accommodation. Details of the mandatory fire training walk can be obtained via your Accommodations reception team.
16.1.2. On hearing the fire alarm:

  • During winter months and colder days, remember to put shoes on and take a warm coat with you.
  • Do not stop to dress fully
  • Make sure everyone in the Accommodation with you is fully awake and aware of the fire alarm activation.
  • Evacuate the building by your nearest available escape shutting all doors behind you.
  • Go immediately to the designated Fire Assembly Point for the Hall.
  • At all times act quickly and calmly / do not stop to collect your personal belongings / do not run / shut all doors as you leave.

16.2. Fire Alarms
16.2.1. Fire alarms are provided to give warning in case of fire, as smoke and fire can spread very quickly. Always leave the building immediately upon hearing the fire alarm by the nearest available exit (you should be familiar with your escape routes and fire assembly point).

  • If there is a fire in your Accommodation - always sound the alarm by operating the red break-glass manual call point so that the alarm can be raised to allow others to escape quickly and safely.

16.2.2. Do not interfere with fire alarm sensors, devices or system. Any misuse or removal of these units will impair your safety and the safety of others.

16.3. General Safety and Cooking Information
16.3.1. Cooking is prohibited in your Accommodation, bedrooms or non-designated fire rated kitchens.
16.3.2. Permitted items– the following items may be used in designated kitchens formed by a fire rated enclosure fitted with a fire door and heat detection (not smoke).

  • Toasters provided by UCL and sandwich makers.
  • Rice cookers with a 3 pin CE UK plug – non UK appliances will be removed.
  • Cooker hot rings / use of small quantities of hot cooking oil / air fryers / pressure cookers.

16.4. Fire Action Notices
16.4.1. You should be familiar with the correct action to take both upon discovering a fire as well as upon hearing the fire alarm sound. This information is provided on the Fire Action Notices displayed in corridors and in rooms. Please read the instructions carefully and make yourself familiar with the local fire exit routes and the location of the fire alarm call points.
16.4.2. On discovery, or being made aware, of a fire:

  • Immediately raise the alarm (if not already activated) by operating the nearest fire alarm manual call point.

16.5. Means of Escape
Corridors, landings, stairs and exits form part of the building escape routes in case of fire. Please do not obstruct these areas by storing or placing bicycles, personal belongings or rubbish in these routes.
16.6. Fire Doors
Fire doors are provided for all accommodation rooms, corridors, kitchens, storerooms and stair enclosures and are generally signed ‘Fire Door Keep Shut’ and fitted with self-closing devices. They are essential in preventing the rapid spread of fire and smoke.

If the door is damaged or not fully closing, then you must report this to the accommodation management team for immediate repair works to be undertaken. Fire doors are critical life safety equipment that prevent the travel of dangerous smoke & hot gasses into escape routes.
You must not disconnect or remove the fitted self-closing devices on doors.

Kitchen fire doors - do not wedge or hold kitchen fire doors open under any circumstances - keep fire doors closed to prevent unwanted fire alarms.

16.7. Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishing equipment has been provided throughout UCL student accommodation. Do not interfere with pins, tags or maliciously set off the fire extinguishers. These extinguishers are life safety equipment and for use in the event of a fire.

16.8. Fire Evacuation Drills
A fire drill will be held in Halls, each term. Further fire drills may take place without notice at any time. You are expected to evacuate the building via the nearest available exit in the event of a fire alarm activation.

16.9. Electrical Safety

16.9.1. UK Electrical Supply - you are reminded that the UK electrical supply is 230 Volts (not 110 volts) and only electrical equipment purchased in the UK should be used. However, if you need to use 110-volt equipment then you must have an approved voltage, plug/pin converter, and ensure that you ask for advice and assistance (from the shop/supplier) on the voltage/pin compatibility and specific voltage requirements you require.

16.9.2. There is a real possibility of overloading electrical sockets and Adaptors when using portable electrical heaters and other high amperage equipment:

  • Cuboid electrical plug Adaptors, often suffer from arcing due to the weight of plugs pulling the top pin out and often they are not fused.
  • Extension cables particularly on drums should be used as a short-term work equipment solution and not a permanent power supply. Care should be taken when using cable drums, ensuring to always unwind the cable fully when in use. Failure to unwind the cable fully when in high current use can cause the extension to overheat.
  • Do not use daisy chain socket Adaptors, only use 4 or 6 way gang individually switched UK fused mains extension lead with a length of flex. The maximum load for any one socket should not exceed 13 amps.
  • Use of generic (overseas) electrical Adaptors is prohibited, as due to the units having no internal fuses they do not meet the requirements for Portable Appliance Testing (PAT). Adaptors such as Lencenet or Tacima or similar fused converters can be used.

Cuboid Adaptors are prohibited and only 4/6 way gang individually switched UK fused mains extension lead can be used by individuals, where there is a need for additional electrical sockets.
• The maximum load for any one socket should not exceed 13 amps.
• Where an extension lead is required then additional electrical Adaptors should not be piggybacked (daisy chained) onto an existing extension cable.

16.9.4. UK electrical supply - you are reminded that the UK electrical supply is 230 Volts (not 110 volts) and only electrical equipment purchased in the UK should be used. However, if you need to use 110-volt equipment then you must have an approved voltage, plug/pin converter, and ensure that you ask for advice and assistance (from the shop/supplier) on the voltage / pin compatibility and specific voltage requirements you require.
• Only use 230v equipment with an appropriate and correctly designed plug or Adaptor.
• Do not use Adaptors on pendant light fittings.
• Do not allow flexes to trail across floors.

16.9.5. UK electrical supply converters
Electrical equipment with euro / USA / other fittings should be used in conjunction with:

  • Step down voltage convertors - 230 / 240 Volts down to 110 / 120 Volts often with a maximum load 50VA (approximately 50Watts) or similar.
  • Always use the correct fuse in fused plugs - Plugs in the UK are generally fitted with a 3A or 13A fuse.
  • For appliances up to 700w you need to use a 3A fuse (i.e. desk lamp, mobile phone charger, TV, DVD, computers, screen & printers, refrigerators etc.).
  • For appliances over 700w, you need to use a 13A fuse (i.e. washing machine, microwave, kettle, toaster, iron, hair dryer / curlers, portable heaters, coffee maker etc.

16.9.6. General Electrical Plug Guidance

  • Do not use cuboid or 3 way Adaptors.
  • Only use 4 to 6 Way Gang Individually Switched UK fused Mains Extension Lead with a length of flex. The Maximum load for any one socket should not exceed 13 amps.
  • Check electrical leads and plugs for wear & tear and faulty wiring.
  • Throw away and replace damaged cables. Never use tape to mend or join cable.
  • Frayed leads or exposed internal wires are fire risks.
  • For Euro plugs use a safe and firm connection Adaptor - as shown.

16.10. Building Safety

16.10.1 At UCL, the safety of our students and staff is a top priority. We appreciate your support in ensuring thʷ¼ halls are a safe and secure environment to live in. All halls have extensive fire safety arrangements in place. Details of those can be found on our web site:- /accommodation/about-us/fire-safety-building-safety.

16.10.2 Any person found interfering in any way whatsoever with firefighting equipment, safety equipment or alarms in the Accommodation or Halls other than for proper use, will be committing a serious breach of the terms of their Licence Agreement. In addition, misusing fire equipment/safety equipment and doing any action likely to cause injury or impair the safety of others are disciplinary offences under the Disciplinary Code and may lead to termination of your Licence Agreement. All such persons will be referred to the Warden or Accommodation Manager or the Registrar, as appropriate, who will take disciplinary action against the student in accordance with the Disciplinary Code.

16.10.3 You must not act in a way which may create a significant risk of a building safety risk materialising in UCL Accommodation and must comply with the reasonable requests of UCL related to assessment of safety risks.

17. Pets
Pets are not permitted, and any pet found in your Accommodation or Halls will be removed. Having a pet in your Accommodation or Halls may result in UCL charging you for the reasonable cleaning costs and or repair or replacement costs resulting from any damage caused by the pet to your Accommodation or Halls and / or giving notice to end your Licence Agreement.

18. Noise
Please be considerate to your fellow residents at all times. Other residents may want to study or sleep at different times than you do, so respect your fellow residents’ need for quiet time. This is particularly important where your Accommodation is a twin room. If you bring a stereo, DAB radio, iPod, MP3 player, iPad, game consoles etc. you should also bring headphones so that your enjoyment and the peace of others is not disturbed. Noise must not be audible between 23:00 and 08:00 and or at any time during UCL exam periods. Excessive noise may result in UCL giving notice to terminate your Licence Agreement and is also a disciplinary offence under the Disciplinary Code. You are responsible for the behaviour of your guest(s) and should see that they leave quietly.

19. Visitors
UCL reserves the right through its staff to refuse any non-resident admission to the Halls at any time or to require them to leave the Halls. Never lend your Accommodation key/ Swipe/Access Card/ Electronic Key Fob to anyone else. You are personally responsible for the conduct of your guest(s) at all times and may not allow them to live in your Accommodation. There are no guest rooms in any of the Halls.

If you wish to have a guest stay overnight, you can accommodate them on your Accommodation floor, for a maximum of 7 nights a month. Occupants of twin rooms must agree in advance if they wish to have a guest to stay overnight. Guests staying overnight must be notified in advance to the Hall Team and all visitors signed into the Halls. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the suspension of the privilege. Other visitors should normally leave by midnight.

20. Charges
Charges applied to students pursuant to the terms of the Licence Agreement and these General Regulations must all be fair and transparent. Charges can be raised for any breach of the terms of these General Regulations or the Licence Agreement and will reflect the actual loss to UCL including:

  • if damage is caused to your Accommodation or Halls and/or the furniture, equipment, Fixtures and Fittings in your Accommodation or Halls and/or to any other property within the Accommodation or Halls
  • if the resident fails to keep their Accommodation and or any communal areas within Halls in an acceptably clean state as required by these General Regulations
  • if any UCL property is taken from the Accommodation or Halls
  • if damage is caused to communal areas within Halls
  • if UCL are required to replace keys, Electronic Key Fobs, Swipe/Access Cards etc.

Residents will be responsible for the reasonable cost of repair or replacement (whichever is cheaper) which has been caused, by their negligence or wilful acts, or where this is due to the negligence or wilful acts of anyone they have invited into their Accommodation or Halls, including the communal areas. If damage is caused to communal areas within Halls, in instances where, after reasonable investigations, responsibility for damage caused cannot be attributed to any individual or individuals, the reasonable cost of repair and replacement (whichever is cheaper) will be divided equally among the students permitted to use the relevant area.

Where cleaning is required, this will be charged back to the student at the same cost as the cleaning contractor charges UCL, no additional charges will be added. If additional cleaning is needed to communal areas within Halls, in instances where, after reasonable investigations, responsibility cannot be attributed to any individual or individuals, the cost the cleaning contractor charges to UCL will be divided equally among the students permitted to use the relevant area.

21. Role and Authority of Wardens and Student Residence Advisers
Student Residence Advisers (SRAs) are recruited from the UCL postgraduate student community and both the SRAs and the Wardens live amongst students in UCL operated Halls. The Wardens’ role is to support and manage the teams of SRAs and in turn the teams help students to settle into their new life in Halls and encourage a harmonious social atmosphere, maintain order and whenever necessary advise students with pastoral issues.

One of the SRAs is on duty every night from 6:00pm to 8:30am the following morning, and throughout weekends and holidays. You will recognise your SRAs by the blue hoodies and poloshirts they wear when on duty. You can contact your SRAs by visiting reception and asking to speak to the duty SRA, or by attending one of their Flourish community building activities. In an emergency, contact the UCL Security Control Room on +44 (0)20 7679 2108 or via the SafeZone App. There is always someone available (365 days per year) to provide support in case of an emergency in all Halls.

Wardens and SRAs develop connections with students and can support and refer students to the appropriate support services on offer ʷ¼.

When to seek help from a Student Residence Adviser
You should seek help from an SRA if:

  • someone needs basic first aid
  • you are worried about a fellow resident in your Halls
  • you are feeling homesick or having trouble adjusting to a big city like London
  • you are a victim of or witness harassment/bullying of any kind
  • you would like to talk to someone about the transition into Halls.

The SRAs are the first point of contact for any welfare or pastoral issues you or a fellow student may have and can help signpost you to UCL’s support services for students and can call emergency services if you ever need them. They can also help you become familiar with your Halls and local amenities, provide you with useful tips for university life and are responsible for evacuating the building safely in the event of a fire alarm.

Most importantly, SRAs aim to ensure students feel safe and supported during their time in Halls and the community is happy and respectful.

How to contact Wardens and Student Residence Advisers

You can contact your SRAs by visiting reception and asking to speak to the duty SRA or by phoning or emailing your Halls’ office or designated local office. There really is no issue too big or too small to bring to your SRA, so do not hesitate to get in touch with them.
In addition to the Wardens and SRAs, UCL also has a free out of hours telephone counselling and information service.

22. Drugs
The use or possession of illegal drugs is not tolerated at your Accommodation or Halls, and anyone found using or distributing drugs will be reported to the Police. This includes legal highs or new psychoactive substances as defined under the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 such as Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas). UCL has a policy on alcohol and drug misuse. Anyone found using or in possession of illegal substances will be referred under the Disciplinary Code. UCL also reserves the right to terminate your Licence Agreement.

23. Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence

23.1 UCL will not tolerate sexual harassment or sexual violence and is committed to ensuring that students, staff and the wider UCL community are protected from sexual misconduct.

UCL supports the Students’ Union’s which aims to train UCL students to recognise and challenge problematic behaviours, such as bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct both on- and off-campus.

23.2 If a complaint of sexual harassment or sexual violence is made against you UCL reserves the right to:

23.2.1 relocate you (in accordance with Regulation 44) to other accommodation; or

23.2.2 terminate your Licence Agreement both:
(a) where any complaint is upheld following compliance with UCL’s policies and procedures; or
(b) otherwise in accordance with Clause 3 of your Licence Agreement.

24. Leaving your Hall
Your key(s), Swipe/Access Card, Electronic Key Fob must be returned to the hall office of your Halls by 10:00 am on your day of departure. If you do not return your keys to the hall office of your Halls you will be charged for the reasonable cost of replacing the appropriate keys and/or locks. Your Accommodation (including the bathroom if your room is En-suite) and any communal kitchen must be left clean and tidy. This includes removing all rubbish and food and disposing of it in the appropriate location. Where your Accommodation is a studio, flat or bungalow you must leave all areas of the studio, flat or bungalow clean and tidy. Charges will be raised where your Accommodation (including where this is a studio, flat or bungalow) have not been left in a clean and tidy condition upon your departure from the Accommodation or at the end of the licence period. These will be no more than the cost of the cleaning charged to UCL estimated to be:

  • £25 charge for a standard single room
  • £40 charge for a standard twin or double room
  • £50 charge for an En-suite single (£25 for the bedroom and £25 for the bathroom)
  • £65 charge for an En-suite double or twin (£40 for the bedroom and £25 for the bathroom)
  • £75 charge for a studio
  • £100 charge for a 1-bedroom flat
  • £150 charge for a 2-bedroom flat/bungalow
  • £25 charge per person for a communal kitchen

There may be additional charges if the communal bathroom areas are left dirty. Items left in your Accommodation, kitchens or bathrooms after you have left your Accommodation and returned your keys, will be assumed to be unwanted and will be disposed of should you fail to take steps to recover the goods following notice to you that the goods may be disposed of. Any loss incurred by UCL as a result of you failing to remove goods on termination of the Licence Agreement, including any storage costs, will be invoiced to you.

It is not possible to forward post to you after your departure so please ensure that you change your address on your Portico account. Post and deliveries for residents who have left will be refused or returned to sender.

25. Deposits

As part of the offer acceptance process to secure your place in UCL accommodation, you are required to pay a Deposit of £250 by the deadline stated in your offer email. The Deposit will be deducted from your first Invoice for your accommodation fees.

If you have accepted the offer of accommodation (by entering into the Licence Agreement) for the start of the session and have paid a Deposit, but you do not arrive within the first week of the licence period referred to in the Licence Agreement and have not notified the Hall Team or the UCL Accommodation Office that you will be arriving late, your Licence Agreement will be terminated, and your Deposit will be refunded.

26. Further Regulations, Guidance and Instructions to Students
UCL may from time to time update its regulations, guidance and instructions to students in UCL operated Halls to comply with best practice, regulatory and insurance requirements or to otherwise assist the safe and efficient operation of UCL Halls.

You are obliged to comply with any such regulations, guidance and instructions which UCL may make from time to time which will be notified to you by being displayed on notice boards in your Halls. Notice boards are for important messages and approved notices only. You should check the notice boards regularly for notices that might affect you.

In the event of any circumstances giving rise to public health and/or safety concerns which are also relevant to your Accommodation (including an epidemic or pandemic such as Covid-19), you agree to follow all UK Government legislation and guidance applicable to your Accommodation for the duration of your Licence Agreement and to abide by all further guidance, obligations and procedures applicable to your Accommodation which are issued by UCL.

27. UUK Code

Our accommodation is managed in accordance with the Universities Code of Practice for the management of student housing. A copy of the Code may be found on the and . The UCL Health and Safety Policy can be found on our website

28. Complaints and Escalation Procedure

28.1. Our Service
We strive to provide an excellent service in terms of quality of work, timely delivery, professional behaviour and customer service. We expect consistently high standards from our staff and our contractors. We recognise, however, that there are occasions when the services delivered by UCL Accommodation may fall short of reasonable expectations. This Regulation 28 sets out the formal procedure to be followed in the event of a service not being delivered in line with our high standards and user aspirations.

If you are unhappy about the service provided by or through UCL Accommodation, please follow the complaints procedure set out in this General Regulation 28 or contact your Hall Team directly.

We also aspire to hold staff accountable for the services that they manage and so request that complaints are not initially escalated to senior leadership within UCL Campus Experience and Infrastructure (CE&I).

28.2. Definition of a Complaint
For the purposes of this procedure a complaint is defined as any serious and formal expression of dissatisfaction that requires action or redress. It includes repetitive failure to resolve or address a reported issue; serious failure of agreed service arrangement; serious breach of service agreement; serious inconvenience caused as a result of UCL Accommodation’s or UCL Accommodation contractors’ actions (or inaction) and inappropriate behaviour by a member of UCL Accommodation staff or contractors.

28.3. The Process
If you wish to make a complaint about your experience within UCL Accommodation, please follow the processes noted below. We encourage all residents to address all complaints in the first instance to UCL Accommodation to investigate and resolve, following the process in Regulation 28.3.1. However, you have a right to issue a complaint via the UCL Student Complaints Procedure at any time (subject to the time limits set out at Regulation 28.3.2). Further detail on the UCL Student Complaints Procedure is set out in Regulation 28.3.2.

28.3.1 UCL Accommodation Complaints Process:

  1. Where your complaint does not include a claim for compensation, you should first try to resolve the matter in consultation with the person who has caused the complaint. Details on what constitutes a claim for compensation are set out in Regulation 29.
  2. If you are unable to resolve the matter with the person who has caused the complaint, or your complaint includes a claim for compensation, then you should put your complaint (including any claim for compensation) in writing to the Accommodation Manager via askUCL. Complaints must be submitted to the Accommodation Manager within 14 calendar days of the event giving rise to the complaint. Complaints submitted beyond this timeframe will be deemed to be out of time and will not be considered unless there is independent evidence to show compelling reasons as to why the complaint was not raised in a timely manner. The Accommodation Manager will investigate the complaint with all relevant stakeholders and may ask to meet with you to discuss the complaint further. Complaints logged in writing with the Accommodation Manager (via askUCL) will be acknowledged within 3 calendar days and responded to fully in writing within 7 calendar days.
  3. If you are unhappy with the response from the Accommodation Manager, you should submit the complaint in writing to the relevant Head of Operations including, if you wish, the form of remedy sought. Contact details can be provided by the Accommodation Manager. In order for a complaint to be considered, it must be submitted to the Head of Operations no later than 7 calendar days from the receipt of the Accommodation Manager’s response. If the complaint is received after this time, the Head of Operations will exercise discretion as to whether or not the matter in question is to be investigated. The outcome of your complaint will be issued to you in writing within 7 calendar days of the date you submitted the complaint to the Head of Operations.
  4. If you are unhappy with the response from the Head of Operations you should submit the complaint in writing to the Director of Accommodation (whose details can be provided by the Accommodation Manager), who will review the complaint and the decision of the Head of Operations. In order for a complaint to be considered by the Director of Accommodation, it must be submitted to the Director of Accommodation no later than 7 calendar days after the decision of the Head of Operations is issued to you. If the complaint is received after this time, the Director of Accommodation will exercise discretion as to whether or not the matter in question is to be investigated. The outcome of your complaint will be issued to you in writing within 7 calendar days of the date you submitted the complaint to the Director of Accommodation.

Students can expect thʷ¼ Accommodation will have completed its consideration of a complaint within 35 calendar days in accordance with the timeframes laid out above, but from time to time there may be valid reason for a delay, particularly in more complex cases. In such circumstances students will be informed of any delay and the reason for it.

Where any of the UCL staff members identified in the complaints process in this Regulation 28.3.1 are unavailable to consider your complaint for any reason at the commencement or during the complaints process, then you will be given details of another UCL staff member who you can submit your complaint to and/or who will deal with the complaint on behalf of the identified UCL staff member. In such circumstances the references to the identified UCL staff member in the complaints process noted above should be read as references to the UCL staff member acting on their behalf.

28.3.2 The Student Complaints Procedure and informal resolution
You have a right to raise a complaint via the UCL Student Complaints Procedure at any time without following the UCL Accommodation complaints process in Regulation 28.3.1, or during that process, or at the end of the process. You can find details of how to submit a complaint through the link to the Student Complaints Procedure set out below. The notification by UCL Accommodation of the outcome of your complaint at the last stage of consideration of the complaint by UCL Accommodation will also include details of the UCL Student Complaints Procedure in the event that you remain dissatisfied with the decision of UCL Accommodation.

Please note that to be considered under the Student Complaints Procedure, complaints must be submitted under that procedure within three calendar months of the event giving rise to the complaint. Complaints submitted beyond this timeframe will be deemed to be out of time and will not be considered unless there is independent evidence to show compelling reasons as to why the complaint was not raised in a timely manner. Please see the Student Complaints Procedure (linked below) for further details.

At all times during the processing of your complaint informal resolution is encouraged and students may wish to seek the advice of the UCL Student Mediator or the Students’ Union Advice Service.

Access theStudent Complaints Procedure.

29. Compensation Claims
In any service provision, there are times when problems arise that have an impact on the users of the service. When users experience interruption of service or a change in quality, they may have an expectation of some form of compensation. The rules governing compensation payments need definition to achieve fairness. UCL Accommodation is a self-financing business, the income for which comprises student accommodation fees (term time and those who stay in the summer) and fees from commercial visitors in vacations. In order for budgets to balance, compensation payments either result in increased fees or reduced services. Therefore, any payments must be justified and fair.

  • Building works and maintenance

It is not always possible to schedule building works and maintenance works when Halls are unoccupied. Such works, unless emergencies, will be scheduled for working hours (normally 08:30 to 17:30). Residents will be given advanced notice of such works. No compensation will be paid for noise resulting from such works or for changes resulting from such works, in facilities provided.

During the academic year 2024/2025, it is anticipated that residents at the following halls may be impacted by noise disruption from building works. Further details will be provided when available on the Construction works webpage.

  • Beaumont Court
  • Bernard Johnson House
  • Frances Gardner House
  • John Dodgson House
  • Langton Close
  • Prankerd House
  • St Pancras

During the academic year 2024/2025, refurbishment works will be carried out on a rolling basis to the accommodation within Bernard Johnson House and residents will be required to relocate to other accommodation within Bernard Johnson House for the duration of the works in accordance with Regulation 44.

  • Lack of services resulting from a failure of service provision by or on behalf of UCL

Where there is a lack of services resulting from a failure of provision by or on behalf of UCL, UCL will take reasonable steps to:

  • inform residents of the duration of the failure.
  • inform residents of any alternative provision; and
  • reinstate or require the third-party provider to reinstate the service without delay.

Compensation payments will be considered on the basis of an assessment of the inconvenience caused, taking account of the difference between essential and nonessential amenities. The amount of compensation to be paid will typically be determined by UCL Accommodation by reference to a percentage reduction in the accommodation fees for the duration of the service failure. Compensation will not be paid where a satisfactory alternative provision has been provided or where the failure in services is caused by vandalism by you, your invitees and or other residents. Furthermore, compensation will not be paid under these circumstances until a period of 36 hours has elapsed to affect a correction of the fault.

Failure to report faults and vandalism
Compensation will not be paid for a lack of service or amenity where the individual(s) affected is/are aware of but has/have failed to report as soon as reasonably possible, in writing, a fault to the Accommodation Manager. Compensation will not be paid where a fault or interruption of service has been caused by acts of vandalism by you or your guests.

Major disaster
In the event of catastrophic failure of services or the destruction of part of a building necessitating closure, all reasonable steps will be taken to re-house students (in accordance with Regulation 44). Where re-housing in accommodation with a higher weekly accommodation fee is accepted by a student, they will not be liable for the difference in accommodation fees. Where re-housing in accommodation with a lower weekly accommodation fee is accepted by a student, they will receive a credit for the difference. Where re-housing is not accepted, accommodation fees will only be payable to point of closure.

All claims for compensation submitted to UCL Accommodation will be managed in line with the complaints process which is outlined in regulation 28.3.1. You can also submit a claim for compensation via the UCL Student Complaints Procedure as explained in Regulation 28.

30. Electoral Register
The onus is on you, the individual to register yourself. The registration process can be done online and is simple and straightforward. You will need to enter your Date of Birth and your National Insurance Number. Please remember to include your room number. There is an .

UCL must provide details of all residents for purposes of voter registration if requested by the local authority.

31. Maintenance
For any non-emergency maintenance issues, please report via the Accommodation Portal “Report a Problem" and the Hall Team will log the issue with our maintenance team. For any emergency maintenance issues, please contact your Hall Team directly, or out of hours via the SafeZone App. Do not assume that someone else has reported a fault. The Hall Team, Warden, Student Residence Adviser team, cleaning and maintenance staff have the right to enter your Accommodation or any other rooms in Halls at any time for necessary maintenance, window cleaning, etc. Advance notice will be given where possible. Blu Tack is the only permitted adhesive on gloss paintwork and can mark walls in some rooms depending on the paint and surface. Please ask the Hall Team for advice concerning your Accommodation. Glue, drawing pins, adhesive tape and any other means of fixing anything on to the interior or exterior of your Accommodation or the Halls are not permitted. Your Accommodation and kitchens will be inspected once a term; you will be informed in advance.

For reference the estimated timescales for categorised works affecting Hall residents, which UCL will use reasonable endeavours to comply with are as follows:

  • P1 – Emergencies – response within 1 hour

Emergencies ʷ¼ encompass situations such as flooding, fire, gas leaks, individuals trapped in lifts, and power failures affecting critical assets. UCL staff will promptly respond to these emergencies, ensuring the site is secured for safety. Repairs will be initiated as soon as possible, contingent on factors like the nature of the situation and the availability of materials, spare parts, and the potential need for a specialist contractor.

  • P2 – Urgent repairs – responded to within one working day

The following issues are deemed to require urgent attention ʷ¼: heating, mechanical ventilation, or air conditioning failures, blockages in the drainage system, malfunctioning locking mechanisms, broken windows or door glass, and power supply failures. UCL shall use reasonable endeavours to investigate urgent repairs within one working day, with the actual repair work initiated as promptly as possible. The timeline for resolution depends on the specific circumstances, considering factors such as the availability of materials, spare parts, and the potential need for a specialist contractor.

  • P3 – Routine repairs – responded to within five working days

Routine repairs that do not have a substantial impact on the building's operation are typically investigated within a response time of five working days. The actual repair work is then undertaken within fifteen working days, contingent on the availability of staff, materials, and spare parts. This timeframe ensures efficient handling of routine maintenance while considering resource availability.

  • P4 - Scheduled work - responded to within twenty working days

Tasks requiring strategic planning and convenient times for completion, such as redecorating, hanging pictures, and replacing worn fixtures and fittings, necessitate coordination with the UCL Accommodation team. Agreements on the timescale for these activities will be reached in collaboration with the UCL Accommodation team to ensure effective planning and execution with minimal disruption to the residents.

32. Snow and Ice
The Hall Team will arrange for snow and ice to be cleared and paths gritted around the Halls during office hours; this will include fire exit routes. Residents should remain vigilant during cold weather for snow and ice hazards.

33. TV Licensing
If you bring a TV you must also bring a licence. You are not covered by the licence in Halls for common room sets or by a licence held at your home address. You need a licence to use any television receiving equipment such as a TV set, set-top boxes, video or DVD recorders, computers or mobile phones to watch TV programmes as they are being broadcast. For further information visit the webpage.

34. Parties
A small number of parties may be permitted during the year but only after the Accommodation Manager has been consulted and the request has been approved. Normally two weeks’ notice is required for any party, and parties will only be allowed on Fridays or Saturdays, by the agreement of all residents of a kitchen group or corridor.

35. Temporary Absence
If you stay away overnight or at weekends, please email the Hall Team to let them know. It causes concern and sometimes considerable inconvenience when residents go ‘missing’ without explanation.

36. Mental Wellbeing
Living in student accommodation may well be the first experience you have of living independently, and whilst this is mostly exciting, it can also be stressful at times. It can be especially difficult for international students who often have limited opportunities to return home during the academic year. If you feel lonely, homesick, depressed, stressed-out, or you have a specific personal problem then you can talk to your SRA or Warden in the first instance who will arrange a suitable time and location to discuss your concerns. Should the problem(s) persist then the SRA/Warden will signpost you to the appropriate UCL services or support you to submit an enquiry via askUCL. In addition, the UCL Student Support and Wellbeing website has a range of self-help resources and useful information available to you. Details about the UCL 24/7 Student Support Line can be found online.

If you are diagnosed with a mental health condition or disability, we recommend you register with the Disability, Mental Health and Wellbeing service by submitting an enquiry via askUCL.

If you feel that someone you live with is behaving differently, isolating themselves from other people, becoming very emotional, or tearful, then do not ignore it. Try to encourage them to speak to a member of the Hall Team or SRA/Warden team or see their doctor; if the student is not registered with a doctor, or in a crisis, they can attend an Accident and Emergency department.

The nearest hospital to UCL with a 24-hour A & E department is University College Hospital (UCH), 235 Euston Road, London NW1 2BU. Telephone: 0845 155 5000.

37. Student of Concern
ʷ¼is committed to the wellbeing and safety of our students. There are many sources of support for students who are having difficulties whether they are academic, emotional, financial or physical, however sometimes it is hard to know how to help a student who appears to be struggling, particularly if you feel they are unwilling or unable to seek the help they need.

If you are concerned about the behaviour of a student and do not want to discuss this with the Warden or SRA you can submit a Student of Concern Form or email studentofconcern@ucl.ac.uk. You can also submit an enquiry through askUCL as a student.

The Student of Concern Form and email account are monitored between 9am and 5pm from Monday to Friday. Within these hours, we aim to respond to any concerns as soon as possible within a 48-hour timeframe.
The form is not monitored during weekends, bank holidays and the University’s closure periods.

Depending on the concerns raised, Student Support and Wellbeing may do one or more of the following:

  • Contact the student and offer support. They ordinarily rely on the student choosing to engage with support.
  • Contact the person who submitted the form to discuss their concerns and offer advice on how they can support the student.
  • Liaise with other support services within or outside of UCL who may already be supporting the student.
  • Liaise with appropriate members of the student’s personal support networks to help ensure the student receives support from those who are closest to them.
  • Support the student to access appropriate external services such as a GP, local crisis services or psychological and psychiatric services
  • Where a student appears to be missing, work with UCL's Security team and the police to try to ensure the student is safe.

To find out more please visit Student of Concern.

38. Misconduct on Campus or in Student Accommodation
If you are a victim of bullying, harassment, or sexual misconduct please inform your Halls Warden or SRA. You can also report the incident via the .

In the unfortunate event you become the victim of a hate crime, please report it here through .

UCL's Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Adviser (currently Sophie Bimson) can support with any issues affecting you that are related to crime, safety or security. This might include theft, assault, harassment or domestic abuse. UCL's Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Adviser can also provide guidance on how to avoid crime and can support you if you are reporting a crime to the police. You can find UCL's Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Adviser’s contact details in Regulation 39.

39. Personal Problems
The Hall Team and SRA/Warden will try to assist you with any personal problems and will respect confidentiality where possible. Should you experience personal problems you may also consult:

  • Your Personal or Departmental Tutor
  • Student Union Advice Service
    Location: 1st Floor, 25 Gordon Street
    Email: su.advice@ucl.ac.uk
  • Student Support and Wellbeing
    Location: Floor 1, Student Centre
    Submit an enquiry via askUCL
  • Crime Prevention and Personal
    Safety Adviser – Sophie Bimson
    Tel: 020 7679 152
    Email: s.bimson@ucl.ac.uk

Your doctor can also help with a wide range of health, personal, social and emotional problems. There are also a number of external sources of help, some of which are listed below:

  • London Nightline (term time only)
    Tel: 020 7631 0101
  • Samaritans Helpline (24 hrs)
    Tel: 08457 90 90 90
  • Mind (mental health charity)
    Tel: 0845 766 0163
  • Talk to Frank (drugs helpline)
    Tel: 0800 77 66 00
  • Drinkline (alcohol helpline)
    Tel: 0800 917 8282
  • London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard
    Tel: 020 7837 7324

40. Registering with a GP
It is vitally important that all students register with a GP (General Practitioner - a generalist doctor) within the first few weeks of beginning your programme.

Registering as soon as you arrive will help ensure your GP can process your registration in good time, allowing you to access health care early on if needed.

Your GP should always be your first point of contact for all health concerns (physical health or mental health) throughout your time ʷ¼.

You can find information about how to register with a doctor on the ‘register with a doctor’ page.

41. Discrimination and Personal Harassment
UCL continues to affirm its opposition to unfair discrimination in any form and it is in keeping with this policy to prohibit any kind of personal harassment including but not limited to harassment on the grounds of race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, belief or lack thereof. The harassment of a student, member of staff or visitor as well as any violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening or offensive behaviour or language on any UCL premises is wholly unacceptable and will be grounds for disciplinary action pursuant to the Disciplinary Code, which may include expulsion, suspension or exclusion from UCL premises including your Halls and or termination of your Licence Agreement. In addition, if a complaint is made against you UCL reserves the right to relocate you (in accordance with Regulation 44 of the General Regulations) to other accommodation. Any incidents of this nature should be reported to the Hall Team, Warden or the Registrar via the Casework team (casework@ucl.ac.uk).

42. Information for International Students
The UCL International Student Support websiteprovides information and guidance to all non-UK students. If you have any queries, you can contact the International Student Support Team by submitting an enquiry via askUCL . The UCL Immigration Advice team can help you with queries relating to visas and immigration advice.

There are a number of external organisations that also offer advice and guidance to international students. The provides a series of guidance notes available for download which) will help you prepare for living and studying in the UK The includes a useful section entitled ‘Study in the UK’.

43. Use of your Personal Data by UCL
How we use your personal data is set out in broad terms in the UCL Student Privacy Notice at /legal-services/privacy/student-privacy-notice.

UCL Accommodation will use your personal data to provide accommodation for you during the time you are resident in UCL accommodation or other UCL-nominated accommodation e.g., a third-party provider operating under a contract with UCL. The UCL Accommodation specific privacy notice.

44. Relocation
UCL has the right to relocate you to other accommodation where reasonably necessary for reasons including, but not limited to:

  • those referred to at Regulation 3, Regulation 7, Regulation 23, Regulation 29 and Regulation 41.
  • those set out in your Licence Agreement.
  • your safety, well-being or the well-being of others.
  • ensuring where possible that all flats are fully occupied and preventing any flats from having minimal occupancy.
  • in the interests of good estate management.
  • where major works are required to your Accommodation or Halls resulting in closure of your Accommodation or Halls.
  • where required by a disciplinary decision or precautionary measures pursuant to the Disciplinary Code.

UCL will provide you with as much notice as reasonably possible in order for you to make your own arrangements as you wish, but in the case of an unexpected event or assessment of risk limited notice may be given.

Where re-housing in accommodation with a higher weekly accommodation fee is accepted by a student, you will not be liable for the difference in accommodation fees. Where re-housing in accommodation with a lower weekly accommodation fee is accepted by a student, you will receive a credit for the difference. Where re-housing is not accepted, accommodation fees will only be payable to the point of the student leaving their original accommodation.

Where re-housing is required following a disciplinary decision pursuant to the Disciplinary Code which results in accommodation with a higher weekly accommodation fee, the increase in the accommodation fee will be the responsibility of the student.

45. Community Consideration
The majority of Halls are situated in highly populated areas and therefore all residents have a duty to be considerate of the local community. Do not make unnecessary noise when arriving or leaving Halls, especially at night times. Do not damage the property of local residents and do not drop litter in the local area.

46. Council Tax
If for any reason you become or you cause us to become liable for council tax for the Accommodation (for example, because you are in full time employment or claim social security benefits) then you will pay such council tax (or reimburse us for any sums we pay within 14 days of written demand).



The study bedroom or such other type of accommodation as is occupied by you pursuant to your Licence Agreement


A type of plug which makes it possible to connect two or more pieces of equipment to the same electrical supply. A cubed adaptor is square shaped


An area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the outside wall of a building on an upper level

Blu Tack

A reusable adhesive commonly used to attach papers to walls or other surfaces


A sum of money you are required to pay when accepting a place in Halls

Electoral Register

To vote in an election, you must be on the electoral register (also called electoral role). You can vote if you are 18, a British citizen, or an Irish, qualifying Commonwealth or European Union citizen who is resident in the UK.


A bathroom which is directly connected to a bedroom

Electronic Key Fob

An electronic key fob is used for activating keyless entry systems


A piece of furniture which is not permanently fixed in


A permanently fixed piece of furniture

Hall Team

Staff based at Halls to manage the building and support residents; their contact details are available on Hall noticeboards and at offices staffed by UCL staff 8am-7pm Monday to Friday


The hall, house or building in which your Accommodation is located


A request for payment

Licence Agreement

The agreement pursuant to which your Accommodation is licenced to you by UCL allowing you to reside in the Accommodation


A barrier, similar to a wall, at the edge of a roof, terrace, Balcony or other structure


Student Information System ʷ¼ accessed by user-id and password

Prohibited Areas

Prohibited Areas include, but are not limited to the following areas within Halls: - all roof areas, Balconies, Parapets, ledges, boiler rooms, electrical intake/riser cupboards, lift motor rooms, commercial kitchens (at Ifor Evans Hall and Ramsay Hall) and any other areas which have notices on access doors stating that there is a hazard within

SRA (Student Residence Advisor)

Postgraduate residents employed by UCL Support and Wellbeing to support students in Halls, who are available by visiting the Halls reception or calling the SRA duty mobile using the details provided by the Halls Team.


To allow someone to license or use a room or flat which you are licensing from someone else


Access Card

A plastic card that you slide through a machine in order to be allowed into a building


Live-in members of staff, representing Student Support and Wellbeing and supporting the SRAs.