

Advanced Research Computing


Achievement Types


Remunerated services undertaken additionally to your role ʷ¼; for a definition see consultancy guidelines.


Title: Geodetic Advice

Organisation: UCL Consultants

Description: Consultancy to an international government’s “Lands and Surveys” department

Knowledge Transfer Partnership

Undertaking or supervising in a formal KTP sponsored by the Technology Strategy Board, see .


Title: Applying GIS to healthcare statistics

Organisation: Dr Foster Ltd

Description: Supervision of KTP associate in expanding the scope of the company’s software products and supplementing its existing analysis and visualisation tools as a means of expanding its market potential.

Secondment to non-HEI

Undertaking or supervising a placement in a non-HEI organisation as part of your UCL employment, to fulfil a specific research purpose, normally for a number of months


Title: Knowledge Transfer Secondment

Organisation: QinetiQ

Description: Supervision of secondee in EPSRC sponsored placement to transfer model of prediction of aircraft icing to industry.


Providing mentorship in a non-HEI organisation, including through the UCL Advances programme.


Title: SMILE project

Organisation: AAAS Steering

Description: Providing advice on technology entrepreneurship

Contribution to policy

Contribution to the development of public policy, including provision of advice, briefings, taking part in a policy commission


Title: Wilson Review of University- Business Interactions

Organisation: Department of Business, Innovation and Skills

Description: Participated as member of the Review Panel

CPD provision

Provision of continuing professional development training to a non-HEI organisation or practitioners


Title: APMP

Organisation: UCL Management Science & Innovation

Description: Delivering training towards recognised project management qualification to project management practitioners from industry

Media Appearance

Appearance in a broadcast media production such as a TV or Radio interview, appearance in a documentary film, presentation of a documentary series or similar such work.


Title: Pride And Prejudice: Having A Ball

Organisation: BBC

Description: Contribution to this documentary recreating the Netherfield ball, reflecting on the importance of the ball and its role in society.

Public engagement

Significant work or events promoting the individuals’ research or area of expertise to the non-specialist public audience through outreach, public lecture, exhibitions, workshops or any other method of promotion.


Title: Nordic Noir

Organisation: Public Engagement Unit

Description: Scandinavian Book Club, funded by a Beacon Bursary. See .

Industrial Advisory Role

Role on advisory board, regulatory authority, esteemed position in trade association or professional body or similar industrial advisory role.


Title: Public member

Organisation: Network Rail

Description: One of about 70 private individuals chosen by a selection panel to assist in the corporate governance.

Registered IP

Registration as the inventor of intellectual property arising from research undertaken ʷ¼ through patenting, trademarks etc. Do not disclose detail unless registration is granted and in the public domain.


Title: Patent no. PCT/GB96/01497

Organisation: UCL Business

Description: On-Belt Tomosynthesis - a Low cost 3D Imaging System


Licensing of registered intellectual property or software to a non-HEI organisation for non-academic use. Do not disclose licensee unless in the public domain.


Title: Gene Therapy for Haemophilia A

Organisation: BioMarin

Description: License of Factor VIII gene therapy programme.


Creation of a formal UCL spin-out company through UCL Business


Title: Endomagnetics Ltd

Organisation: UCL Business

Description: Founder and the current CTO. Founded to solve cancer staging and healthcare challenges through the application of advanced magnetic sensing technology and nanotechnology, Endomagnetics is developing a portfolio of medical device products based on a patented ability to detect magnetic materials in the human body with exceptional sensitivity.

Social Enterprise

Creation of a social enterprise to arising from research undertaken ʷ¼


Title: Mapping for Change

Organisation: UCL Business

Description: Co-founder and Director. Mapping for change provides mapping, geographical analysis and community engagement services for all types of projects and entities. We transform an organisation through the power of the map.

Provision of Materials/Products

Commercialisation through the provision of materials, products, or devices


Title: Graduated Sports Compression Socks


Description: Designer and consultant

Conference organisation

A significant role in the organization of an academic conference such as the general or programme chair of a major international conference, a long standing committee member of a conference series or other significant input into a conference or conference series. Please put the conference title in the title field, and note in the description if your role was invited.


Title: Eating Disorders International Conference 2012

Organisation: Academy of Eating Disorders

Description: Chair of the local organising committee

Invited Speaker

A specifically invited attendance at a conference, conference series, workshop or seminar. This would also include activities such as the public presentation of research or a speaker at a notable public event or similar public appearance. Please put the event name in the title, and put the talk title in description, noting if it was a plenary or keynote.


Title: "Sensing the City" symposium

Organisation: Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo 

Description: Keynote address and papers “Cities of Possibility,” “Sensing the City” and “Skateboarding in the City"

Invited Contributor

A specifically invited contribution to a journal, series of monographs or a specifically invited contribution to an exhibition or public display of work. This would also include such items as the production of a forward of a book, introduction to an exhibition catalogue or acting as an invited curator.


Title: ‘The Gaze of the Auto-Icon’ at The Big Draw

Organisation: Welcome Trust

Description: Invited workshop and interactive exhibit in collaboration with Mobile Studio

Named Lecture

Delivery of a specific named lecture or lecture series often in honour of an individual or individuals e.g. Royal Aeronautical Society – Whittle Lecture, The Reith Lectures.


Title: Francis Crick Lecture

Organisation: Royal Society

Description: “Decoding Consciousness”

Election to a learned society

An elected Member or Fellow of a Learned Society where the elevation is accorded by a ballot of the individuals own academic peers. If not elected, please classify as Professional Body membership. Please put the title conferred in the title field.


Title: Fellow

Organisation: Royal Society



An award received from a learned society, professional body, media organization, trade body or other enterprise that is generally regarded as recognition of excellence in the individual’s field of research or related field.


Title: Paper of the Year award

Organisation: Lancet

Description: For Whittington, C. J., Kendall, T., Fonagy, P., Cottrell, D., Cotgrove, A., & Boddington, E. (2004). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in childhood depression: systematic review of published versus unpublished data. Lancet, 363 (9418), 1341-1345.


A significant award to pursue independent study from a funder of research. This type of esteem item would normally be expected to apply to fellowships awarded to experienced and esteemed academics and specifically exclude early career fellowships received by Post Doctoral students.


Title: Dream Fellowship

Organisation: EPSRC

Description: Rethinking the relationship between ageing, computing and creativity


An Honour granted by a National or State Government, Head of State, Pan National Organisation or similar e.g. Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)


Title: Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire

Organisation: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Description: In recognition of work on civil justice, awarded in Queen's Birthday Honours List

Honorary Degree

Honorary Degree award from a Higher Education Institution with degree awarding powers.


Title: Honorary MA

Organisation: University of Oxford


Honorary Doctorate

Honorary Doctorate award from a Higher Education Institution with degree awarding powers.


Title: Honorary DLett

Organisation: University of Cambridge


Honorary Professorship

An Honorary Professorship at a Higher Education Institution


Title: Honorary Distinguished Professor, Visual Science

Organisation: University of Cardiff


Lifetime Achievement

Any award received that specifically recognises ‘Lifetime Achievement’


Title: Lennox Prize 2010

Organisation: American Epilepsy Society

Description: This is an annual prize awarded for lifetime achievement. There is one award a year, and this is the Society's senior prize.


Similar in to those esteem items categorised as ‘Awards’. Allows easy classification of an award where Medal specifically appears in the title of the award.


Title: Gaddum Memorial Medal

Organisation: British Pharmacological Society

Description: Awarded biennially for research in Pharmacology over 15 years


An award or medal where there has been a significant competitive element to the award, or where Prize specifically appears in the title of the award. Items of esteem that record secondary and tertiary placings could also be categorised by this esteem type.


Title: Stirling Prize

Organisation: RIBA


Professional Body Membership

Used for membership is entirely by subscription or maybe a pre-requisite for professional recognition rather than a measure of esteem. See “election to a learned society” for an alternative.

Please chose one of the following options:

Affiliate Member

Associate Member

Chartered Member

Elected member


Honorary Member

Life Member


It is not necessary to add a title for these fields.


Type: Life Member


Organisation: American Philological Association


Participant in academic collaboration, network or consortia

A position participating in research across multiple institutions, or disciplines.


Title: Doctoral Training Centre in Photonic Systems Development

Organisation: University of Cambridge

Description: PhD Supervisor

Research co-ordination

A position in co-ordinating research across multiple institutions, or disciplines by promoting joint workshops, hosting seminar series, co-ordinating the research outputs of different laboratories or enabling significant joint endeavour. Please put the name of collaboration in the title field and your role in description.


Title: North East and North Central London Comprehensive Research Network

Organisation: NHS

Description: Chair

Visiting academic at HEI

A visiting academic position at an institution other than the home HEI of the individual.


Title: Invited Visiting Professor

Organisation: Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Research


Usage of major scientific facility

Usage of major national and international facilities (e.g. computer time, beam time, telescope time, awarded after competitive review by a panel of internationally recognised experts


Title: Large Hadron Collider

Organisation: CERN

Description: Atlas experiment

Editorial Role

Editor or Assistant Editor of a journal; Editor in Chief of a journal or journal series; member of editorial board of journal or book series and other significant editorial related activity. Please put the journal title in the title field an your role in the description.


Title: Journal of Facilities Management

Organisation: Emerald group Publishing

Description: Appointed to Editorial Board

Leadership Role

Academic leadership roles in industry, commerce, Research Councils, learned societies or professional bodies, university research advisory panels.


Title: UK RAE Sub-Panel

Organisation: HEFCE

Description: Member of Sub-Panel 17 for Earth Sciences

External Examiner Role

External examiner for a Doctoral Thesis


Title: EngD examiner

Organisation: University of Sheffield

Description: Thesis entitled “Finish machining of novel high strength aerospace materials”

Peer Review Role

Undertaking a peer review role. Please put the name of panel in the title field and role (chair, member...) in description.


Title: Research grant review

Organisation: ESRC

Description: Member of Peer Review College