

Archaeology South-East


Welcome to the team: Alastair Threlfall!

1 November 2019

This week we introduce Alastair Threlfall who has recently joined us at Archaeology South-East. Alastair is an Archaeological Conservator, so he’ll be caring for some of the most exciting finds from our excavations.

Alastair working

Alastair's job will involve preventive conservation, monitoring the recovery and storage of finds to minimise the risk of damage and ensure they’re kept in the best environments possible. This includes climate and pest control of our stores!

He will also be carrying out interventive conservation, using remedial treatments such as cleaning and stabilising delicate artefacts, and undertaking materials analysis, in order to maximise object survival and understanding

Working towards these goals he’ll be working collaboratively with other members of the post-excavation team as finds progress from site to analysis, archive and/or display.

A graduate from the Durham Conservation Master’s program, in recent years Alastair has worked as a contract archaeologist and conservator on projects in Brazil. While abroad he has been working on projects excavating “black earth" sites in the Amazon, colonial and industrial sites in Brazil’s interior, and marine wreck sites in coastal waters.

Alastair says he’s “excited to be returning to UK archaeology and contributing to the work of a large and vibrant archaeological unit” – and we’re excited to have him!