

Institute of Archaeology


A tale of two empires: Rome, Britain and Brexit

16 January 2018

Andrew Gardner has just commenced a one-month study visit at the Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK) in Frankfurt am Main.

Andrew has been invited to the RGK by Director, Prof Dr Eszter Bánffy and Deputy Director, Dr Kerstin Hofmann to pursue research for his forthcoming book on 'Roman Britain'.

The RGK is a division of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut specialising in European prehistory and Roman provincial archaeology.

During his visit Andrew will give a lecture entitled 'A tale of two empires: Rome, Britain and Brexit'. The lecture will include aspects of Andrew's current research on the role of frontiers in the creation of imperial identities, relevant in both ancient and modern contexts, and which will be a major theme in his book.

Further information