

History of Art


Part-Time Teaching Opportunities 2019-20

Postgraduate Teaching Assistant vacancies 2019-20

There will be opportunities for postgraduate students to work as Teaching Assistants during the 2019-20Ìýacademic year. All registered research students, whether part-time or full-time, are eligible to apply for these posts. Normally Teaching Assistants are in their 2nd or 3rd year of their doctorate, but in some circumstances, where new students have had teaching experience, they may be offered teaching in their first year. Students in their fourth year may also be allowed to teach at the discretion of their supervisor. While the positions are open to students from outside the Department, we would be looking for evidence of relevant experience and interest in the discipline of History of Art.

The department is looking for TAs for the following courses:

  • First Year BA Core Course (two TAs in autumn; two in spring term, 20 week course)

Suitable for 2nd year Research Students

DutiesHours (Autumn)(Spring)
Attending lectures1010
Teaching Prep (reading, powerpoint, etc)3030
Running discussion groups2020
Marking coursework (calculated @ 30 mins/essay)3015
Coursework instruction and feedback5Ìý
Coursework surgeries42

Total both terms 176 hours

  • First Year Foundation Course (one TA in autumn; one in spring term)

Suitable for 1st or 2nd year Research Students

Attending lectures20
Reading the course readings10
Marking exams (1st marker of 40 scripts @ 15 mins/script)10
Course administration5
Running discussion groups5

Total 50 hours

  • Second Year Advanced Lectures in the History of Art (one TA inÌýautumn; one inÌýspring term)

Suitable for 2nd year Research Students

Attending lectures20
Reading the course readings6
Marking coursework30
Instruction and feedback on coursework marking10
Moderating (not full second marking) 50 coursework essays5
Coursework surgeries (2 x 2 hours)4
Marking exam scripts (1st marking 70 scripts @ 15 mins/script)17.5
2nd marking5
Course administration2.5

Total 100 hours

  • Second Year 'Methodologies' Courses. (One TA for each of theÌýfollowing three 'Methodologies' courses:ÌýHART0034 Methodologies of Making - Spring;ÌýHART0032 Methodologies of Art History - Autumn; HART0031 History of the Category Art - Spring)

Attending lectures10
Teaching Prep (reading, powerpoint, etc)30
Running discussion groups10
Marking coursework30
Second marking / monitoring5
Coursework instruction and feedback10
Coursework surgeries5

Total 100Ìýhours

  • Undergraduate Dissertation Co-ordinator (HART0118, 0119 Ìýand 0120)

Attending 3 sessions6
Updating Moodle (updating all documentation and maintaining the site with announcements)4
Replying to emails, and office hours to help answer and field general questions10
Setting up a record of dissertation titles and logging submission and helping distribution5

Total 25 hours

  • Art in London Courses (teaching Affiliates and non-History of Art UCL students at an introductory level - these are introductory first year level courses for non-History of Art students)

Suitable for 2nd and 3rd year Research Students

Teach to course template (pdf)Ìýwith choice of specific objects and reading25
Extra contact hours15
Marking two essays/term (ca. 18 students)18
Course preparation30
Planning, training, briefing12

Total 105 hours

Art in London Courses Normally Offered:

Art in London before 1600 (two TAs for autumn; two for spring term), Art in London 1600 - 1850 (two TAs for autumn; one for spring term), Modern and Contemporary Art in London (four TAs for autumn; four for spring term), Architecture in London (four TAs for autumn; four for spring term).

Payment for all TA work

Payment will be on the UCL Grade 6Ìýsalary scale Point 21Ìý(currently £15.01Ìýper hour, but this will increase as of August 2019).

The application form can be found here:Ìý


The form must be signed by the applicant'sÌýsupervisor confirming that undertaking the duties of TA will not adversely affect their research work. The application form together with a brief CV and a covering letter, which should include a personal statement outlining what makes a good teacher and demonstrates evidence ofÌýrelevantÌýexperience and interest in the field of Art History, should be sent to Rachel FishwickÌývia email r.fishwick@ucl.ac.ukÌýby 13.00 on Wednesday 1ÌýMay 2019.

We encourage all research students where possible to take advantage of the opportunity to teach and assist with teaching as this forms part of overall training. This will count towards research training credit as defined by the Graduate School.

Previous TAs should also submit an application if they wish to be considered again for 2019-20.