

The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


CASA Working Paper 192


17 June 2013

Inter-Regional Migration in Europe and the Influences of Economic and Labour Market Inequalities

Within the European Union (EU) disparities between countries and regions has led the European commission, since 1988, to make central to its mission, efforts to increase the economic and social cohesion between the member states. Since the inception of the EU Cohesion Policy, large amounts of money have been made available for investment into regions identified as falling behind on measures of economic and social wellbeing. During the latest funding period running from 2007-2013, €347 billion have been made available for investment in transport, education and skills, enterprise and the environment (INFOREGIO, 2012). Regions and the people inhabiting them are at the heart of European policy making; however knowledge of the interactions between regional population systems and regional economic systems is incomplete. Inequalities, specifically income inequalities, (Wilkinson and Pickett, 2009), but other social inequalities (Dorling, 2010; Therborn, 2006) are important drivers within human systems, however their influence on population can at times be overlooked; hence this is the focus this paper.

A³Ü³Ù³ó´Ç°ù²õ: Adam Dennett

Publication Date: 17th June 2013


File size 856KB, PDF format.
