

The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


Drones4Good at the UCL Engineering Summer School & Institute of Engineering & Technology Open House

9 August 2018

Drones4Good delivers two masterclasses for the UCL Engineering Summer School and the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) Open House 2018.


On 23 July at the UCL Engineering Summer School, CASA researchers Richard Milton and Flora Roumpani demonstrated drone technologies to budding young engineers. Given the hot weather conditions of thirty degrees celsius, the team faced some problems with the accumulating dust; one drone found itself stuck on a first floor window ledge and another had to be extracted from a hole in the brickwork!


As usual, thanks to for running the event and UCL Computer Science for allowing us to tag onto their Summer School. Also, Flora Roumpani ( for the whole #drones4good concept, plus our three helpers Jose, Anna and Tianjiao, without whose help we would never have been able to run the masterclass. You can view a short video of the team with the drones filmed by Richard . #drones4good
IET Event
IET Event

Amongst many interesting conversations with people on the subjects of drones and 3D printing, the best has to be the following: "Dinosaurs were turned into oil, which is used to make plastic, which you're using to 3D print dinosaurs again". It's a fantastic piece of logical reasoning if we ignore the fact that the printing is in PLA.

Thank you again to Elpida for inviting us to this event and also to our two helpers Bin () and Bonnie (), as we couldn't have done it without you.