

The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


Merry Christmas from All at CASA

16 December 2011

Winning display from the Enfolding team

The image above is of the winning entry in the first ever CASA SACKINGS contest (firSt Annual Casa desK decoratING conteSt).  Thanks go to our external judges Keith Dugmore and Colin Farrow who had the unenviable task of choosing just one winning team from the very high standard of entries.

After deliberating for 20 seconds they presented the trophy to a delighted ENFOLD-ing team for their spectacular Christmas nativity visualisation.

Other highlights of the evening included Mike Batty and Alan Wilson going head-to-head in a maths round of Countdown

and the resident CASA band featuring Dan Lewis on vocals (with Flora Roumpani, Joan Serras, Elsa Arcaute and Camilo Vargas-Ruiz), Steven Gray on keyboard, Martin Zaltz Austwick on guitar and Adam Dennett on drums.

Merry Christmas everybody!