

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Examining risk mitigation investments in Lima - Latest cLima sin Riesgo article published

23 January 2019

The latest article of the action-research project cLIMA sin Riesgo was published in the Journal 'Medio Ambiente y Urbanización’.

Examining risk mitigation investments in Lima The latest article of the action-research project cLIMA sin Riesgo

The article provides a critical view on risk mitigation investments and their intended and unintended impacts on urban risk traps in Lima. It analyses the investments of the state, residents, and communities in José Carlos Mariátegui and Barrios Altos. Despite identifying a variety of investments from all actors, the DPU co-authors Adriana Allen, Rita Lambert and Julia Wesely found that these investments frequently reinforce urban risk traps rather than disrupt them. The article proposes that co-producing data and knowledge with the communities is fundamental to evaluate local residents' needs to allow for better targeting of policies and risk mitigation investments.

The article, which is the latest of the action-research project , has been published in the Journal , which is the sister journal of Environment and Urbanization. The article is in Spanish, and can be found (link)