

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


cLIMA sin Riesgo

Born out of Learning Lima, this research explores the conditions that produce and reproduce urban ‘risk traps’.

cLIMA sin Riesgo

8 July 2015


Born out of , this research explores the conditions that produce and reproduce urban ‘risk traps’. How and where do they materialise and with what consequences for women and men living in informal or marginalised settlements?

 looks at potential ways of disrupting cycles of risk through connected actions and investments by local communities and state agencies. Visit the dedicated website -  - for all the latest news and updates.

Urban risk traps

We understand ‘risk traps’ as the cycles through which environmental hazards and repetitive and often unrecorded small-scale disasters accumulate in particular localities. In Lima, bio-physical and socio-economic risk drivers are deeply entangled, consequently producing cycles of unequal risk exposure and displacement. This has severe impacts on the everyday lives, livelihoods and assets of the urban poor and the city’s ecological and socio-economic future.

Urban ‘risk traps’ undermine the efforts and investments made by the urban poor and state agencies to mitigate risk, just as urban poverty traps are produced through combined aspects of urban deprivation that undermine the potential benefits offered by cities.

Working with local communities in in the historic centre (Barrios Altos) and the periphery of Lima (Jose Carlos Mariátegui), the project aims to enhance spatial knowledge, assess ongoing investments and efforts to mitigate and reduce risk, and create evidence-based tools to inform climate resilient funding mechanisms and ultimately disrupt these 'risk traps'.

Continuation of collaborative research in Lima

The project is the latest continuation of our engagement with local groups and organisations in Lima through action-research. Set up by DPU, CENCA, CIDAP and Foro Ciudades para la Vida in 2012, the  platform synthesises these, and is a fantastic resource for those interested in urban-based research into environmental risk in the region.

Since 2013 DPU students of  have been visiting Lima annually to conduct action-research into how local populations are experiences and responding to threats of urban risk and environmental injustice. 

In 2014 we collaborated with , the  (CASA) and Drone Adventures to experiment with innovative digital mapping techniques in the periphery of the city through a project entitled ReMapLima [''] executed with support from the Bartlett Research Materialisation Grant.

Project team

 is led by Prof. Adriana Allen in collaboration with:

  • Rita Lambert, Rossana Poblet and Teresa Belkow at DPU, UCL (UK)
  • Liliana Miranda at Foro Ciudades Para La Vida (FCPLV) (Peru)
  • Silvia de los Rios at Centro de Investigación, Documentación y Asesoría Poblacional (CIDAP) (Peru)
  • Carlos Escalante Estrada at Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano (CENCA) (Peru)
  • Linda Zilbert, United Nations expert on risk (Peru)
  •  at Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, UCL (UK)
  •  at The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL (UK)
  • Marco Kamiya at UN-HABITAT (Kenya)

Further Information

Please visit our website at , and subscribe to receive the latest updates and news. For more information contact Adriana Allen.

Latest News: 

This project is funded by the  (CDKN), a programme funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Netherlands Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) for the benefit of developing countries. 

CDKN aims to help decision-makers in developing countries design and deliver climate compatible development. They do this by combining research, advisory services and knowledge management in support of locally owned and managed policy processes; working in partnership with decision-makers in the public, private and non-governmental sectors nationally, regionally and globally.