

UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering


UCL IEDE 2014 highlights

18 December 2014

Highlights from UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering in 2014

abstract news

Prior to becoming an Institute, the UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (UCL IEDE) contributed to the Bartlett’s REF 2014 results as a successful research cluster within the Faculty. UCL IEDE will continue to build on this success in 2015.

Recent highlights include:

  • Members of UCL IEDE co-guest edited a special edition of the CIBSE ‘Building Services Engineering Research and Technology’ Journal which which focused on issues relating to overheating and IAQ. The special edition will be published in early 2015.
  • UCL IEDE has been invited to be a contributing author for the second UK Climate Change Risk Assessment for the UK Committee on Climate Change. We will contribute to Chapter 5 (People and the Built Environment) which will deal with risks directly affecting people and/or buildings, including through health impacts from heat and cold, flood risk, water availability and quality, analysis of the effects of climate change on vulnerable groups, effects of climate change on wellbeing, risks/adaptation through blue and green infrastructure.
  • Our Housing, Energy and Wellbeing (HEW) project workshop was held in November 2014. Approximately 40 stakeholders attended from different sectors including central and local government departments involved in policy decision-making, industry, non-government organisations (NGOs), community groups and academia.
  • The Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA, has commissioned IEDE's Professor Alexi Marmot and Dr Claire McAndrew to prepare a report on the Value and Impact of Architecture: Workplaces.
  • The Welcome Trust funded Sustainable Healthy Urban Environments (SHUE) project in which UCL IEDE are involved began in November 2014.
  • The new National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit in ‘Environmental Change and Health’ in which UCL IEDE are involved held its kick-off meeting on Truro in November 2014.
  • Following UCL IEDE’s engagement with the International Energy Agency, the report for policy makers and evaluators (‘Capturing the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency’) has now been published.
  • UCL IEDE was successful with a bid to NERC – ‘Seasonal health and climate change resilience for ageing urban populations’. 
  • A Knowledge Transfer Partnership bid with Ventive Ltd has been approved with sponsorship support from Innovate UK & EPSRC.