

UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


IIPP experts deliver ‘Mission Bootcamp’ programme to mayors from ten cities around the world

25 October 2021

Thought-leaders from IIPP deliver a tailored Mission Bootcamp Executive Education programme for mayors and senior administrative officials from ten cities globally, supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

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IIPP has delivered a Mission Bootcamp Executive Education programme for ten cities around the world ranging from Reykjavik in Iceland to San Jose in California, to Adelaide in Australia - with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies. Each of the participating cities were represented by their mayors plus three senior staff members such as city managers, chief executives and heads of departments. Over a five-week period, the participating cities learned about mission-oriented innovation and began considering how the approach might be applied to address their key local challenges.  

Cities around the globe are on the frontlines of having to find solutions to a myriad of challenges, from social injustice and inequalities to environmental degradation and climate change, to housing affordability and transforming mobility systems. These stresses have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This programme exposed the participating cities to a new approach to innovation, that can be used to address the systemic challenges they are facing.  

IIPP Founding Director Professor Mariana Mazzucato, Deputy Director Professor Rainer Kattel and other IIPP faculty members worked with the participating cities through lectures and seminars to explore how mission-oriented innovation could be used to address the specific challenges each city faces. The Mission Bootcamp was a custom programme, the set of lectures and interactive seminars designed specifically for the needs of the participants. This is one of many tailored courses that IIPP is offering as part of its Executive Education Dz.

IIPP Founding Director, Professor Mariana Mazzucato, said:

“Cities are on the frontline of producing and distributing public value. However, they also face tremendous challenges that must be overcome if they are to realise their potential as public value creators. We have been delighted to build a partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies which has enabled us to work closely with ten cities, expanding the reach of mission-oriented innovation across their diverse network of city innovators.” 

Further information:

  • You can learn more about our Executive Education programme here.
  • If you would like to learn more about this programme or our work with cities, please contact Ryan Bellinson.