

UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources


About the Green Innovation Policy Commission (GIPC)

Green Innovation Policy Commission logo

19 January 2021

Visit the GIPC project pages

The UK is in the early stages of a clean growth transition. However, many of the environmental and social goals the UK is seeking to achieve - reducing carbon emissions, increasing resource efficiency and the quality of our environment - are not driven by market incentives alone.  Government policy is required to create and enable markets for businesses to innovate and deploy innovative products, services and business models. 

The Green Innovation Policy Commission (GIPC) brings together progressive businesses and leading academics to identify how policy can best support green innovation across the UK economy and reward the innovators, entrepreneurs and investors who generate value from the solutions to the global environmental challenges we’ve committed to addressing.

Over its year long programme, the GIPC will,

  • Identify green innovation priorities across the UK economy, with a particular focus on hard-to-reach sectors, including road freight, buildings, heavy industry and food 
  • Inject new thinking on how policy can most effectively promote and support green innovation 
  • Create a new public dialogue between policy makers, academics, and business leaders on the challenges and opportunities around economic growth directed at green innovation.  

The Commission is chaired by John Cridland and brings together UCL academics, progressive businesses, and representatives from the Aldersgate Group and WWF. The research is led by Prof Paul Ekins and UCL academics, and supported by Green Alliance.