

CCHH: China Centre For Health And Humanity


Medical Humanities in China - conference

1 October 2015

An international interdisciplinary

PKU_UCL_logo ucl.ac.uk/china-health/sites/china-health/files/PKU-UCL_MH_Conference.pdf">conference at Peking University Institute for Medical Humanities, 15-17th October, 2015, jointly convened by UCL and PKU

PKU logo
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Medical Humanities in China
Peking University Institute for Medical Humanities, University Health Science Center
15-17th October, 2015
Convenors Prof. Guo Liping (PKU) and Dr Vivienne Lo (UCL)

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During Peking University's annual Medical Humanities Week, PKU and UCL are convening an exciting three-day conference and workshop to explore key challenges facing the discipline with particular emphasis on the view from China.

Medical Humanities was established in China in the 1980s as an interdisciplinary collaborative initiative dedicated to fostering creative relationships between doctors and patients. As elsewhere in the world, there is currently a crisis of identity with a particular issue arising from efforts to integrate theoretical perspectives with practice. What is needed now is new vectors through which medical professionals and students can reflect on their practice, as well as a broadening of the field of vision to include more investment in the Medical Humanities through arts, literature and film. We invite contributions to six panels convened by leading academics from the universities:

Download the conference programme here.