



MRes Attendance Policy

Attendance at all courses, seminars and Case Presentations are compulsory. Events, such as Cumberland Lodge and the CoMPLEX Annual Conference, are also compulsory.

If you cannot attend due to illness or an emergency then you must email the Assistant Administrator, complex.admin@ucl.ac.uk, giving the reason for non-attendance.

If you miss lectures without giving a suitable reason, you will be asked to meet the MRes Course Director(s) to discuss why this is happening and to bring any issues to resolution. Continued non-attendance will result in further meetings with the Course Directors or the CoMPLEX Director. If there is no valid reason for non-attendance, any reference you receive from CoMPLEX will include information about this, if this is requested. The attendance record of a student will be taken into consideration when assigning Mini-Project and Summer Project choices.

Further to this, you must make sure you are on time to all lectures. CoMPLEX lecturers give up their time to teach and it is respectful to ensure you are seated in the seminar room before the lecture start time. Sometimes there are transport problems and other unexpected delays, but we expect you to try and counteract this, as much as possible, by leaving at an earlier time than necessary. Again, if you are consistently late, this will result in a meeting with the MRes Course Directors.

CoMPLEX provides a supportive environment for all students, so we would encourage you to speak with the Centre Administrator in the first instance, if there are extenuating circumstances that may affect your attendance for a period of time.