

UCL Department of Geography


Leverhulme Visiting Professor in UCL Geography

21 January 2019

Oren Yiftahel’s research position with DPU

Leverhulme Visiting Professor in UCL Geography

Professor Oren Yiftahel has recently joined UCL Geography as a Leverhulme Visiting Professor. He is a Professor of political and legal geography, urban studies and urban planning at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in Beersheba, Israel.

Oren’s appointment is in cooperation with the UCL Development Planning Unit, extending until the end of the spring term 2020. He plans to conduct research and organize several workshops with Professor Jenny Robinson (UCL Geography) and Professor Caren Levy (DPU). He will also lecture, supervise and conduct research with UCL staff and graduate students.

He is based in UCL Geography, 26 Bedford Way, Room 106, and can be contacted at yiftach@bgu.ac.il
