

UCL Global


UCL at RUE 2017

4 April 2017

Pro-Vice-Provost International Dr Karen Edge delivered a keynote speech about the university’s approach to global engagement at the top French higher education conference in Paris.

Dr Karen Edge with panellists from French higher education institutions at RUE 2017…

UCL’s Pro-Vice-Provost International Dr Karen Edge delivered a keynote speech about the university’s approach to global engagement at top French higher education conference RUE 2017 in Paris.

Karen spoke about how UCL’s Global Engagement Strategy and its ambitious plans for the UCL East campus in Stratford are helping to attract global students to the university – and in doing so equipping them for global lives and careers.

She was also interviewed by media agency AEF Info, who organised the conference, about collaborations within higher education post-Brexit.

RUE is the annual meeting of French higher education research institutions, and the UK was the only international presence at this year’s event on 16-17 March. 

Pro-Vice-Provost International Dr Karen Edge being interviewed at RUE 2017 by AEF Media…

UCL was one of only a small number of UK universities representing the sector at the conference, invited to attend by the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO).

Karen spoke to delegates about UCL’s ‘Campus of the Future’ at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and the benefits it will bring to staff and students through forming part of a wider education and cultural quarter.

She explained how the new district is set to attract 1.5 million additional visitors and £2.8 billion of economic value to Stratford and the surrounding area.

Karen said: “The conference offered a great opportunity to meet with and learn from our French colleagues, and to reinforce the message thʷ¼ remains open to international collaboration in Europe and across the world.

“We are very pleased to hear UCL’s activity since the EU Referendum has received a positive reception in France. RUE 2017 was an excellent way to further explore how UCL can continue our strong tradition of developing relationships across Europe with partners including the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in Paris.”