

UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


What does ageing mean to you? Be part of a new exhibition

26 October 2021

Submit a short video and be part of a showcase at Tomorrow’s Home

Taking place at theTomorrow’sHomewill create an immersive and interactive space to imagine what home healthcare will look like in 30 years’time. From playful provocations about our future social lives to inspiring examples oftechnologiesthat enable healthyageing andindependentliving.

Alongside the exhibition, we are creating a programme of seminars andconversationpieces to explore these questions with members of the public and researchers.

Be part of the conversation

We want to know what ageing means to you. Some questions to get you thinking...

  • What are you enjoying or looking forward to as you get older?
  • What are you worried about?
  • Do you think people change as they get older?
  • Who are your older role models?
  • What does home mean to you?
  • If you could have one device in your home of thefuturewhat would it be?

Submit a short video ofyourself or a friend answering the question, ‘What doesageingmean to you?” and you could be part of a video playing at theexhibition.

To take part:

  • Record a video (up to 20 seconds long) of yourself speaking directly to your phone camera or computer webcam
  • Make sure your face is clearly visible and your audio is clear
  • Send your recording tohealthcare-eng@ucl.ac.ukalong with your name so we can give you credit(or you can opt to remain anonymous)

Deadline for video applications:Monday15November