

UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


Report: Futures Forum on Health Inequalities

8 November 2023

A whiteboard with case studies on it

We are pleased to share the workshop report for the first UCL Futures Forum on Health Inequalities that took place on12September2023, andwas a collaborationbetween the UCL Policy Impact Unit and theUCLInstitute of Healthcare Engineering.

The workshop prompted participants to explore their hopes and fears for the future of health inequalities and the role that engineeringand technology solutions might play in shaping possible futures. Those discussions allowed us to summariseparticipants’ insights into three key areas: People, Technology and Systems.

Attached to the report there are also research contributions cards relevant to several issues highlighted, which were produced by UCL researchers attending the workshop.Wehope this proves useful for those developing future actions to tackle health inequalities, to anyone who is developing a new healthcare technology and alsoto the clinical workforce and those adopting tools to improve inequalities.

Going forward, we will takethese high-level insights and leveragespecificresearch within UCL to tackle some of the issues found.

Finally, this will hopefully be the first of a series of “Futures Forum” events, so do also get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions for future policy topics to explore.

Read the report

If you are interested in this topic and would like to collaborate with us, please write toluis.lacerda@ucl.ac.uk.