

UCL Human Resources


New staff guidance on remote working and hybrid working

21 July 2021

Further to the Coronavirus email update, we are pleased to provide a set of FAQs around hybrid working and to launch a pilot Remote Working Policy.

remote working

The pilot Remote Working Policy has been developed to consolidate some of our existing guidance but also adds in new guidance on the provision of equipment and working abroad. The policy will also help to ensure consistency in how remote working Is agreed and managed across the University. It will be reviewed alongside the Return to Campus - Interim Guidance for Staff and Line Managers, as we develop and understand our new ways of working, with a view to confirming a longer term policy position.

As we start to encourage and welcome staff who have been working remotely back to onsite work, we have developed a set of FAQs in support of the Interim People Management Guidance, which focus on hybrid working (a combination of remote and campus based working) and contain lots of helpful information for managers and staff including practical arrangements, support mechanisms and key contacts. We will be building on these FAQs as we go forward and will be developing more resources on “Making Hybrid Work” to support managers and staff.

If you have any queries about the information, please contact the Policy Team.

Best Wishes

Chloe Milano
Director of Employee Relations, Policy and Planning
July 2021