

UCL Human Resources


UCL Cancellation Policy

The following constitutes the standard cancellation policy as agreed between the UCL Training Providers who manage enrolments through MyLearning.

Learners will incur a £50 fee for late cancellations (less than 7 working days) and no shows for all training across UCL. Where specific additional charges are required by trainingproviders, these will be communicated prior to enrolment.

Please note that for every failure to attend a course, the charge of the programme will be debited from UCL.

Full Terms and Conditions

All Enrolments for courses on MyLearning are subject to the following terms and conditions. By placing a Enrolment you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.

1. Definitions and Interpretation

Enrolment: An enrolment on a UCL training course using the UCL MyLearning system.

Course Administrator: the administrator for the UCL training course as included in the course description in MyLearning.

Learner: any person enrolling on and/or attending a training course.

Learner enrolment information: the enrolment information applicable to the training course which is provided in the course description in MyLearning or by email notification.

Course: training course or courses organised by one of the UCL Training Providers and administered through MyLearning to which these Terms and Conditions are stated to apply.

Event: the scheduled instance of a particular Course. This could take place at a Venue or online. In MyLearning a scheduled instance of a Course is known as a Class.

UCL Training Provider: One of the central training providers which are currently Arena, HR, Estates, Finance and Business Affairs, ISD, and Safety services.

Venue: any facilities or locations at which courses take place.

Us: UCL Training Providers “We” and “Ours" shall be read accordingly.

You: the Learner or whoever enrolled the Learner on the course or a person acting with the Learner’s authority or permission, or as the learner’s representative. “Your” shall be read accordingly.

2. Terms and Conditions

2.1. All enrolments are accepted subject to availability. These Terms and Conditions should be read carefully prior to enrolment and any queries relating to them should be raised with the Training Provider prior to enrolling, as enrolling constitutes acceptance of the UCL MyLearning Terms and Conditions.

2.2. If you have any queries relating to these Terms and Conditions, please contact the Course Administrator.

3. Enrolment

3.1. Enrolments will only be accepted if You use UCL MyLearning either directly or via the Learning pages. You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information which You provide to Us.

3.2. Your Enrolment will be acknowledged by email notification and you will receive further emails with joining instructions prior to the event date.

3.3. We will make reasonable efforts to meet special requirements such as accessibility requirements where notified in advance.

4. Course costs

Most events are free to all UCL staff but some have an associated fee, please check the course description in MyLearning for more information. A cancellation charge may be made should you cancel within the cancellation notice period or for non-attendance (see section 6 below).

4.1. The costs are as set out in the course description in MyLearning (or otherwise provided to You) at the time at which We accept Your Enrolment.

4.2. The cost of the Enrolment (if applicable) is per Learner and is exclusive of VAT which will be charged at the current rate.

5. Payment

5.1. If a departmental cost code (Project Task Award Expenditure (PTAE) code) has been requested, you can normally get this from your departmental administrator. Generally, it consists of three sets of numbers. Charges will be processed by the UCL Finance and Business Affairs division.

5.2. All non UCL financial transactions will be between the learner (or the learner’s organisation where applicable) and the UCL Training Provider and will be processed by the UCL Finance and Business Affairs division.

6. Cancellation by You

6.1. The standard cancellation notification period is three working days prior to the event.

6.2. The standard cancellation administration fee is £50.

6.3. Unless otherwise stated, a charge will not be incurred for any cancellation received prior to the notification period i.e. more than three working days before the event.

6.4. UCL Training Providers reserve the right to levy a cancellation fee for:

  • Non-attendance without cancelling the enrolment in advance or prior notification to the Training Course Provider

  • Cancellation made within the cancellation notification period i.e. less than three working days before the event.

6.5. Events advertised as multi-part sessions incur one cancellation charge for all the sessions.

6.6. Some courses may require a longer cancellation notice period or incur a different cancellation fee, up to and including the full cost of the course. Please check the individual course description for any variation in cancellation terms prior to enrolling on a course.

6.7. Wherever possible, cancellations should be made by unenrolling from the course in MyLearning. Details of how to unenroll from a course can be found in the Appendices. Contacting the Training Course Provider to cancel a course should be a last resort if it is not possible to unenrol in MyLearning.

7. Cancellation or re-scheduling by Us

7.1. We reserve the right to cancel a course, giving 24 hours’ notice where possible, if events arise which make the delivery of the course impractical. We will endeavour to offer an alternative event or make alternative arrangements.

7.2. Where a course is cancelled or re-scheduled by Us, we will notify You using the contact details You provided to Us at the time of Enrolment.

7.3.It is Your responsibility to inform Us of any change to the contact details You provide to Us at the time of Enrolment. We reserve the right to reschedule any Training Course without notice and without any liability whatsoever.

8. Changes to Courses

We reserve the right to make alterations to the published programme for (or content of) any Course where reasonably necessary. Any changes to the Course published programme or content will be notified to You by email.

9. Amendments and variations

We may amend and update these Terms and Conditions from time to time. The Terms and Conditions are available from the enrolment screen in MyLearning and can also be found on the Course Catalogue Homepage

10. Conditions of attendance

You must comply with all relevant UCL policy and UK legislation relating to health and safety and with any safety announcements and Venue regulations of which You are made aware whilst attending any Course. A list of relevant UCL policies can be found in the Appendices.

11. Contacts

Please direct any Course enquiries to the Course Administrator or the relevant Training Provider from the list below:


1. Relevant UCL policies

2. How to cancel a course

1.1. Log on to .

1.2. Use the Menu (top left) to navigate to UCL MyLearning, then MyLearning and then Learner Home.

1.3. Under My Current Enrolments, click on the hyperlinked Class title.

1.4. In the top right of the Class screen, select Unenroll from the Select an Action drop down and click on Go.