

UCL Human Resources


Annual Leave

Annual leave entitlement for UCL staff.


This policy sets out the annual leave entitlement, including bank holidays and UCL closure days.

Contents include

  • Annual Leave Year
  • Annual Leave Entitlement
  • Bank Holidays and Closure Days
  • Carrying Leave Forward
  • Calculating Annual Leave on Termination of Employment
  • Short-term Sickness (less than 4 weeks continuous absence) and Annual Leave
  • Long term Sickness and Annual Leave
  • Sickness Whilst on Annual Leave
  • Parental Leave and Annual Leave
  • Career break and other unpaid leave
  • Procedure for booking annual leave
  • MyHR Annual Leave Calculation for part-time staff

Who should read this policy

  • All staff


Last updated: Wednesday, January 3, 2024