

Division of Infection and Immunity


2022 publications

2022 publicationsÌý

Conradie F, Bagdasaryan TR, Borisov S, Howell P, Mikiashvili L, Ngubane N, Samoilova A, Skornykova S, Tudor E, Variava E, Yablonskiy P, Everitt D, Wills GH, Sun E, Olugbosi M, Egizi E, Li M, Holsta A, Timm J, Bateson A, Crook AM, Fabiane SM, Hunt R, McHugh TD, Tweed CD, Foraida S, Mendel CM, Spigelman M; ZeNix Trial Team. Bedaquiline-Pretomanid-Linezolid Regimens for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis. N Engl J Med. 2022 Sep 1;387(9):810-823.

Perera V, de Silva S, Jayatilleke K, de Silva N, Aydin A, Enne V, Corea E. Antimicrobial Resistance Genes, Virulence Genes, and Associated Mobile Genetic Elements of Eight Multidrug-ResistantÌýEnterobacteralesÌýIsolated from Hospital-Acquired Urinary Tract Infections in Sri Lanka. Microb Drug Resist. 2022 Aug;28(8):882-892.

Haider MH, McHugh TD, Roulston K, Arruda LB, Sadouki Z, Riaz S.ÌýÌýDetection of carbapenemases blaOXA48-blaKPC-blaNDM-blaVIMÌýand extended-spectrum-β-lactamase blaOXA1-blaSHV-blaTEMÌýgenes in Gram-negative bacterial isolates from ICU burns patients. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob. 2022 Jul 7;21(1):34. . Erratum for: Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob. 2022 May 19;21(1):18.Ìý

Perera PDVM, Gamage S, De Silva HSM, Jayatilleke SK, de Silva N, Aydin A, Enne VI, Corea EM. Phenotypic and genotypic distribution of ESBL, AmpC β-lactamase and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in community-acquired and hospital-acquired urinary tract infections in Sri Lanka. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2022 Sep;30:115-122. Epub 2022 Jun 3. PMID: 35667644.

Berry C, du Cros P, Fielding K, Gajewski S, Kazounis E, McHugh TD, Merle C, Motta I, Moore DAJ, Nyang'wa BT. TB-PRACTECAL: study protocol for a randomised, controlled, open-label, phase II-III trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of regimens containing bedaquiline and pretomanid for the treatment of adult patients with pulmonary multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Trials. 2022 Jun 13;23(1):484.

Uddin F, Sohail M, Shaikh QH, Hussain MT, Roulston K, McHugh TD. Verona integron-encoded metallo-Beta-lactamase (VIM) and Vietnam extended-spectrum Beta-lactamase (VEB) producing pseudomonas balearica from a clinical specimen. J Pak Med Assoc. 2022 Apr;72(4):761-763.

Margaryan H, Evangelopoulos DD, Muraro Wildner L, McHugh TD. Pre-Clinical Tools for Predicting Drug Efficacy in Treatment of Tuberculosis. Microorganisms. 2022 Feb 26;10(3):514.

Bateson A, Ortiz Canseco J, McHugh TD, Witney AA, Feuerriegel S, Merker M, Kohl TA, Utpatel C, Niemann S, Andres S, Kranzer K, Maurer FP, Ghodousi A, Borroni E, Cirillo DM, Wijkander M, Toro JC, Groenheit R, Werngren J, Machado D, Viveiros M, Warren RM, Sirgel F, Dippenaar A, Köser CU, Sun E, Timm J. Ancient and recent differences in the intrinsic susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex to pretomanid. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2022 May 29;77(6):1685-1693.

Evangelopoulos D, Shoen CM, Honeyborne I, Clark S, Williams A, Mukamolova GV, Cynamon MH, McHugh TD. Culture-Free Enumeration ofÌýMycobacterium tuberculosisÌýin Mouse Tissues Using the Molecular Bacterial Load Assay for Preclinical Drug Development. Microorganisms. 2022 Feb 17;10(2):460.

Enne VI, Aydin A, Baldan R, Owen DR, Richardson H, Ricciardi F, Russell C, Nomamiukor-Ikeji BO, Swart AM, High J, Colles A, Barber J, Gant V, Livermore DM, O'Grady J; INHALE WP1 Study Group. Multicentre evaluation of two multiplex PCR platforms for the rapid microbiological investigation of nosocomial pneumonia in UK ICUs: the INHALE WP1 study. Thorax. 2022 Dec;77(12):1220-1228. Epub 2022 Jan 13.Ìý

Solanki P, Lipman M, McHugh TD, Satta G. Whole genome sequencing and prediction of antimicrobial susceptibilities in non-tuberculous mycobacteria. Front Microbiol. 2022 Nov 29;13:1044515.

Snow TAC, Longobardo A, Brealey D, Down J, Satta G, Singer M, Arulkumaran N. Beneficial ex vivo immunomodulatory and clinical effects of clarithromycin in COVID-19. J Infect Chemother. 2022 Jul;28(7):948-954. . Epub 2022 Apr 14.Ìý

Saleem N, Ryckaert F, Snow TAC, Satta G, Singer M, Arulkumaran N. Mortality and clinical cure rates for pneumonia: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis of randomized control trials comparing bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotic treatments. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2022 Jul;28(7):936-945. Epub 2022 Jan 14.Ìý

Johnson SM, Piñera C, Whittaker E, Kirkhope N, Kon OM, Satta G, Balcells ME, Foster C. Rare Mycobacteria and HIV in Children: Two Case Reports. Clin Drug Investig. 2022 Jun;42(6):541-547. . Epub 2022 May 16.Ìý





