

Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


Call for applications: IAS Event Funding and IAS Octagon Small Grant Fund

5 September 2022

Applications are now welcome to the IAS Call for Event Proposals and the IAS Octagon Small Grants Fund. Deadline for applications: 16th October 2022.

Wooden sign saying 'open', GFRN events image

The IAS is delighted to welcome applications to two of its funding schemes for the academic year 2022-23.

IAS Call for Event Proposals

The UCL Institute of Advanced Studies invites applications from UCL academic staff, PhD students and post-doctoral researchers to its Call for Event Proposals, which funds interdisciplinary projects in the humanities and social sciences. PhD students must partner with a member of full-time UCL academic staff.  Proposals can be related to the IAS’s current research themes, but we also welcome interdisciplinary proposals which are not related to them.

IAS Octagon Small Grants Fund

The Octagon Small Grants Fund provides financial support for a range of interdisciplinary research activities led by graduate students and/or early-career researchers from the Faculties of Arts & Humanities and Social & Historical Sciences, and the School of Slavonic & East European Studies.

The deadline for applications to either scheme is 16th October 2022. A second round will be offered later in the year, with a deadline of 29 January 2023.