

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Leading in to the future: Successful school leadership for sustainable development

11 November 2024–12 November 2024, 1:00 pm–3:00 pm

Figures walking between red arrows on a dark blue background. Credit Moustapha Bennadi UCL

Join this event to hear speakers explore the centrality of school leadership in achieving quality education for all students and in connecting SDGs to the day-to-day work and lives of schools.

Event Information

Open to







Moustapha Bennadi


Park Plaza
239 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, Pimlico
Victoria, London

The new requirement that schools in England develop their own climate action plans by 2025 lends urgency to the theme of this conference, 'Successful school leadership for Sustainable Development'.

This event will present the latest thinking, research and school practice to create spaces for high quality dialogue between researchers, teachers, school leaders and key stakeholders from government and non-government agencies in the UK and beyond. It aims to inspire participants and formulate key issues and agendas that are fundamental to improving the quality of education in schools.


  • Professor Qing Gu. Director, UCL Centre for Educational Leadership, UCL IOE
  • Professor David Gurr, Professor in Educational, Leadership, University of Melbourne
  • Mrs Naheeda Maharasingam, Head Teacher and Embedding Race Equality Steering Group Lead, Lewisham
  • Professor Douglas Bourn, Professor of Development, Education and Founding Director of the Development Education Research Centre, UCL IOE
  • Dr Vanessa Ogden, CEO, Mulberry Schools Trust
  • Dr Rupert Higham, Associate Professor, UCL IOE
  • Professor Alison Koslowski, UCL Pro-Provost (Equity and Inclusion)
  • Dr David Dixon, Education Leadership Consultant
  • Dr Frances Hunt, Associate Professor, UCL IOE
  • Simon Lam, Engagement Associate, The Centre for Education and Youth
  • Professor Megan Crawford, Chair, Kingsbridge Educational Trust
  • Dr Brittany Wright, CPD Lead, LEAD Academy Trust
  • Professor Aaron Benavot, Professor of Global Education, Policy at The State University of New York at Albany, Director of the Global Education Monitoring Report (UNESCO)
  • Helen Bruckdorfer, Executive Headteacher Brecknock and Torriano Schools Federation
  • Professor Nicola Walshe, Pro-Director of Education at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society
  • Sir Kevan Collins, Chief Executive of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) from 2011 to 2019
  • Gemma Moss, Professor of Literacy, UCL IOE
  • Angela O’Brien (OBE), Director Of Primary Education, Spencer Academies Trust
  • Dame Alice Hudson, CEO Twyford CofE Academies Trust
  • Aimee Walker, Deputy Head Teacher, Chelmsford Learning Partnership
  • Dr Deborah Outhwaite, Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities
  • Professor Dame Christine Gilbert (DBE), Visiting Professor, UCL IOE
  • Professor Sir George Berwick (CBE), Visiting Professor, UCL IOE
  • Professor Louise Stoll, Emeritus Professor of Professional Learning, UCL IOE

This in-person event will be particularly useful for teachers, researchers, school leaders, postgraduate students and practitioners.

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