

UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


Library Information Skills Training

14 December 2015

We are pleased to announce the next series of information skills training sessions run by the Institute library. The Library also offers library inductions and individual or group sessions tailored to your needs. Please contact us to book a place or for further information on bespoke courses.

Doctoral students should also look at the training available via run with UCL Library Services and tailored specifically to biomedical research students.

The Joint Library of Ophthalmology training programme can also be from our


Making the most of PubMed

PubMed is one of the premier sources of bibliographic information for biomedicine and health. Discover how to carry out an effective literature search in PubMed, how to filter out evidence-based literature and how to use the PubMed thesaurus MeSH. Learn to print, save and email your results, save your search, create email alerts, customise the search screen and identify where the full text is available.

Venue: Library Training Room, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology

· Tuesday               16/02/2016         10-12am

· Thursday             17/03/2016         10-12am

· Wednesday       13/04/2016         2-4pm

· Monday               09/05/2016         10-12am


EndNote is a piece of computer software which is used to organise reference information and to insert citations and bibliographies into Word documents.

Understand how EndNote can help you in the process of collecting references and writing papers, essays or theses. Discover some useful EndNote tools, such as the Cite While You Write toolbar, the Internet search application and the facility to import records from electronic resources.

Venue: Library Training Room, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology

· Wednesday       24/02/2016         2-4pm

· Tuesday               22/03/2016         10-12am

· Friday                   22/04/2016         10-12am

· Thursday             19/05/2016         2-4pm

Critical appraisal of a journal article

An essential element in evidence-based decision making, critical appraisal is increasingly required in both research and clinical practice.

Understand how to critically appraise a range of study designs, such as systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials.

Discover some useful resources supporting critical appraisal, including the CASP checklists, and develop critical appraisal skills that can be applied to your study or work.

Venue: Library Training Room, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology

· Monday               07/03/2016         10-12am

· Wednesday       04/05/2016         2-4pm

Finding the evidence

Healthcare decision making should be informed by high-quality, independent evidence. Explore the most helpful evidence-based information resources, including NHS Evidence, The Cochrane Library, Clinical Evidence and the NHS Evidence Eyes and Vision specialist evidence. Discover some tools and techniques to help make your searching more effective, so that you can find the best evidence for your topic.

Venue: Library Training Room, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology

· Friday                   08/04/2016         10-12am

· Tuesday               24/05/2016         2-4pm         Â