

Information Services Division


Delivery stories

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A group of staff looking ʷ¼ Profiles on an iPad

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UCL Profiles

The challenge 

Information Services Division (ISD)’s Research Outputs Product Team were facing a key issue in 2022: the legacy system used for UCL staff profiles, IRIS, had become something of a relic.

Cumbersome and unengaging, IRIS was failing to capture the dynamic essence of UCL's academic community, leaving many users disempowered to update their personal details within the system. 

Staff feedback had provided the team with a clear mission: a transformative solution to IRIS’s shortfalls was needed. 

The Product Team 

In collaboration with colleagues from Research, Innovation & Global Engagement (RIGE), Library and Culture, Collections & Open Science (LCCOS) the Research Outputs team at ISD embarked on an ambitious replacement for IRIS.  

Governance and collaboration were guiding principles of the project, and the team enlisted a user group that spanned the academic and professional services spectrum to ensure that the new system – – would resonate across faculties.

This collective effort was instrumental in enabling the team to deliver a platform that empowered users to showcase their achievements seamlessly – as well as facilitating research discovery through keyword searching capabilities within the new system. 

The feedback 

The launch of UCL Profiles in September 2023 was met with optimism by users, departments, and faculties. "It's a significant leap forward from the previous system”, says Professor Courtenay Norbury, Vice Dean Research for the Faculty of Brain Sciences.

“Profiles has streamlined the process of showcasing our faculty's talent, research activities, and industry interactions – all in one place."  

Feedback has been the linchpin of Profiles’ evolution. The system's initial success has set the stage for ongoing refinement, with the team committed to aligning future improvements to users' evolving needs.  

With the platform offering users increased potential to attract partnerships and be discovered by journalists, policy makers and potential collaborators, increased adoption of Profiles may have significant ramifications for positioning UCL research on the global stage. 

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Two UCL staff who worked on Inside UCL
Inside UCL

The challenge 

Staff were struggling on a day-to-day basis with the burden of carrying out routine admin tasks such as booking leave, registering sickness and keeping up to date with mandatory training, often having to use a range of web services to achieve their goals. 

The ISD Digital team behind Inside UCL set out to work on with the clear aim to address theses challenges.

User feedback fed into the creation of the app, which enables staff to get a range of processes completed quickly –  using a single simple interface and optimised for mobile viewing. 

The app is one of the clearest demonstrations within digital delivery ʷ¼ of creating a 'minimum viable product' with limited functionality, and then adding new features over time – constantly iterating improvements and scope to meet user needs. 

The team

Originally developed by the digital experience team, as well as colleagues from the Office of the Vice-President External Engagement (VPEE) and the ISD Staff Experience Product Team, Inside ʷ¼is a testament to the power of teamwork.

Multiple colleagues and teams from across the university came together to ensure that it addressed a wide array of staff needs – as well as improved overall efficiency. 

The future

Looking ahead, the product team is committed to further improving and expanding the app, which has won a number of accolades – including a British Interactive Media Association (BIMA) award for transforming UCL's employee experience. 

The roadmap for new features is accesible from the app, with new versions being released every few weeks.

Inside UCL’s ongoing development reflects its teams’ dedication to making Inside UCL a universally-adopted tool within our diverse community – one with its users' needs and preferences at the heart. for further developments! 

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