

Information Services Division


Drupal CMS: Password protect

Learn to password protect content in Drupal.


You may want to protect one or more pages with a password so that nobody can see those pages unless they:

  1. belong to the LDAP group you've assigned to the password protected page(s). More information about LDAP groups.
  2. are allowed to see these pages with their UCL user ID


  1. CMS password protection is merely intended to protect external users and search engines from information that is only relevant to internal communities and is NOT intended to provide secure document storage.
  2. You can password protect Drupal sections (these must be menu pages), but please be aware that if you link to PDFs, Word documents or other documents that are embedded in the page you have protected, then these will not be password protected themselves and anyone with the document link can access the content.
  3. If you want to password protect documents so that your department staff can access them from your site then we would recommend you place documents into SharePoint and link to the documents via your Drupal page. That way it will always require a user to have UCL staff credentials to access the document content. Find out more about requesting a SharePoint team site for your department at SharePoint and OneDrive for Business

Setting up password protection for an Intranet or page using LDAP groups or UCL userIDs

  1. Ensure you are in editing mode
  2. On the editing toolbar along the top of your site hover over Structure then Menus then click on Main menu
  3. You should see a list of the top-level pages in your site
  4. Find the page you want to password protect
  5. To the right of the page you want to password-protect, click on the word 'edit'
  6. Scroll down to 'Menu fields':
  7. If it is an LDAP group you are using to password protect a page / section, type in the LDAP group and click on 'Add another item' for each group you would like to add. If it is a user you want to give access to, type in their UCL userID in the 'User list'.

  8. Click on 'Publishing options - Draft (Current)' in the left-hand menu, choose 'published' from the drop-down menu
  9. Save

Changes to LDAP groups - June 2021

The group ucl-all will be removed as part of the Drupal migration to the cloud. We are replacing automatically for any pages using ucl-all but in future please use ALL of these groups where you would have used ucl-all in the past: 

  • ucl-asssta
  • ³Ü³¦±ô-³¦²¹²õÌý
  • ucl-hon
  • ucl-pg
  • ucl-staff
  • ucl-ug

To ensure contractors can see the content you need to add the group:

  • ucl-contr
Once set up correctly, when a user clicks on the protected page / section, they will be directed to the UCL log in. If they belong to the right group/username, they will log in successfully.

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