

Information Services Division


UPI Statuses

There are different categories of people associated with UCL. These can be divided into three broad categories: staff, student and visitors.

On this page you will find information about how these categories and sub-types are used:

  • Staff
  • Students
  • Visitors


Staff details are recorded by HR and Finance in the main HR system, ResourceLink.

'Established Staff'

This category covers all staff on the UCL payroll. Staff are entitled to a standard level of access to UCL systems which includes e-mail, Desktop services and any web resources where access is restricted to staff groups. Most UCL systems do not distinguish between different types of established staff (for example between research/teaching/admin posts or by seniority).

On starting, staff will receive:·

  • A UCL computer account
  • A UCL Staff ID card
  • Access to UCL Library Services - to borrow items and log into e-resources
  • Access to certain staff systems: e.g. MyView, Portico, restricted web pages
  • Building access (including extended out-of-hours access to departmental buildings and space if configured by the department with Security Systems).

PGTA: Postgraduate Teaching Assistants: It is important to note that no distinction is made by systems between types of staff. Therefore, for most purposes, PGTAs will be considered in the same way as any other contracted member of staff and will have the same default access.

Honorary staff

Staff with honorary contracts (i.e. unpaid) are entitled to the same level of access to UCL systems as established staff. However honorary staff do not automatically get computer accounts - these must be requested using the Services System.

Casual Staff

Casual staff are a special category and this status indicates that a person has received payment from UCL on an as-and-when basis. Casual staff do not receive UCL computer accounts or access to staff resources, nor will they receive an ID card.

  • Casual staff are not assigned to specific departments but to a special "Casual Staff" department - they will not gain access to departmental resources automatically.
  • If casual staff require an ID card or access to computer resources (and do not already have student or honorary status), they must be set up as visitor in the Services System.


Student records are maintained by Registry using Portico (aka SITS).

Once enrolled, students will receive a status based on their programme of study. Many systems including UPI, will distinguish between undergraduate and postgraduate students - this allows separate UG and PG access groups and mailing lists to be generated, for example.

All student receive the following access:

  • A UCL computer account
  • A UCL Student ID card
  • Access to UCL Library Services - to borrow items and long into e-resources
  • Access to certain student systems: e.g, Moodle, Portico, departmental web pages (if permitted)
  • Building access

Postgraduate students

Some systems will distinguish between postgraduate students and taught programmes and research students. In particular, research students will have access to systems like IRIS, Research Publications Service and Research Log.


Visitors are recorded in the Services System. There are currently 13 visitor types available. Please note that all visitor types carry the status "Visitor". Different visitor types have entitlement to different services. For full details see the list of Visitor Entitlements.


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