

Information Services Division


View another person's calendar in Outlook 2016 for Windows

You can view the availability of other people by viewing their calendar before scheduling a meeting.


1. In Calendar view, from the top ribbon select Open Calendar. Select From Address Book.

Fig 1. Open Calendar and From Address Book options…

Fig 1. Open Calendar and From Address Book options
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2. Search for the name of the person whose calendar you would like to view in Global Address List. Once you have found the person you are looking for, double-click the individual to select and click OK.

Fig 2. Global Address List window…

Fig 2. Global Address List window
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3. The calendar of the individual should now be added under the Shared Calendars list as well as being displayed alongside your own calendar. They are distinguished with different coloured tabs.

Fig 3. Example of calendars being displayed side by side…

Fig 3. Example of calendars being displayed side by side
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