

Joint Research Office


Funding available for AMR research

25 November 2020

Funding is available from the Precision AMR (Anti-Microbial Resistance) initiative and Biotechnology company Illumina for one project for the comprehensive and rapid detection of respiratory pathogens and associated resistance genes.

Precision AMR is a joint UCL, UCLH and Great Ormond Street Hospital initiative to improve tests for AMR and develop ways to rapidly interpret test results.

The successful project will be granted access to the UCL Pathogen Genomics Unit (PGU) and will use the  that allows for the rapid and cost-effective detection of respiratory tract infections in clinical research settings.

Completed application forms should be submitted to: precision.amr@ucl.ac.uk. This call is open to all UCL member of staff and students.

Download the application form.

Read more on the Precision AMR website.


·       Call open: Tuesday 24 November 2020

·       Call closes: Friday 18 December 2020

·       Projects will be reviewed and awarded over the Christmas period

·       Project start date: January 2021