

Library Services


Library regulations

Regulations applicable to the use of UCL Libraries.

Library Regulations


1. All regulations, penalties and sanctions are approved by the UCL Library Committee.

2. The Pro-Vice-Provost (UCL LCCOS - Library, Culture, Collections, Open Science & Scholarship) or the Pro-Vice-Provost's representative are empowered to enforce all regulations listed below.

3. Sanctions and penalties can be applied for breaches of these regulations (see ‘Sanctions and Penalties for Breaches of the Library Regulations’ below).

Admission to Library Sites and Study Spaces (referred to as the Library)

4. You must have a valid UCL Identity Card or a valid UCL Library membership card to gain admission to our Libraries and Study Spaces.

5. Such identification must be your own, and you must show it upon demand by a Library representative. You may not admit anyone else into the Library with your card.

6. The categories of people entitled to register as borrowers (including reading privileges) and those entitled to register only as readers are listed on our membership pages.

Use of the Library (including computer cluster rooms)

7. Respect quiet areas and do not disturb other Library users.

8. Mobile devices

  • Calls can only be taken or made in designated areas (for details check information displayed at library sites).
  • Mobile equipment must be in silent mode, including key clicks, in quiet study areas.

9. Food and drink

Allowed only in designated areas:

  • hot and cold drinks in containers with a lid or cap.
  • cold food.

Not allowed:

  • drinks in open containers.
  • hot food.

10. Library representatives have the right to search bags brought into the Library, for security purposes.

11. Laboratory coats may not be worn in the Library for health and safety reasons.

12. Any damage to Library property will result in fines and sanctions.

13. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times and should not disturb other Library customers.

14. E-scooters and e-bikes may not be brought into the Library for health and safety reasons. Foldable pedal bikes are permitted.

15. Animals (other than guide dogs or therapy dogs) may not be brought into the Library.

16. You must evacuate the building immediately on hearing the fire alarm and comply with the instructions given as directed.

Use of Collections

17. Items must be borrowed before they are removed from the Library; it is the customer's responsibility to ensure items are borrowed.

18. You may only use your own Library ID card to borrow books and other loanable materials.

19. The Library's publicity materials state the number, types of items and loan periods for which items may be borrowed.

20. Items may be recalled from loan. The borrower of such an item must return it within the time specified in the recall notice, even if it has been taken out of the country.

21. All items borrowed must be returned to the Library before the due date or when you are requested to do so by the Library; you are responsible for the items until they are returned.

22. The Library may at their discretion refuse to issue any item.

23. You may be liable to pay a fine if you return items late. The Library's publicity materials state the current rates.

24. If you have not responded to reminders for the return of an overdue item (normally three), we will assume that it is lost.

25. If you lose or damage an item you have borrowed, you must pay the full cost of its replacement or repair. (If an item is stolen whilst in your possession and you are able to provide a crime report number, a replacement charge will not be made).

26. Certain items may not be removed from the Library or may only be used in designated areas of the Library.

27. The Regulations also apply to items obtained for you from other non-UCL Libraries.

28. Requests to view archives, records and rare books must be made in advance and by appointment with UCL Special Collections. Researchers in Special Collections are required to abide by specific handling guidelines.

Use of the Digital Library

29. You may use e-resources for private study, teaching and/or research, provided that these activities are for your own non-commercial use.

30. Use of the e-resources is subject to copyright law and the licence agreements th°ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼ signs with the e-resource providers.

31. You must not engage in systematic or excessive downloading.

32. Library users must abide by the terms and conditions of use and UCL's Computing Regulations.

33. You may only use the Library's photocopying, computing and other audiovisual facilities subject to the provisions of relevant legislation, including the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, EC Directives 93/98, 96/9 and 2001/29 (implemented by SI 1995/3297, 1997/3032 and 2003/2498) and the Computer Misuse Act 1990, UCL's Computing Regulations, and the licence agreements in place for particular materials. Use of equipment on our premises belonging to the NHS is subject to the regulations of the relevant NHS Trust.


34. UCL Library Sites and Study Spaces include:

  • Bartlett Library
  • Cruciform Hub
  • Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health Library
  • Institute of Archaeology Library
  • Institute of Orthopaedics Library
  • IOE Library
  • Joint Moorfields Eye Hospital & the Institute of Ophthalmology Library
  • Language & Speech Science Library
  • Main Library
  • Queen Square Institute of Neurology, Queen Square Library
  • Royal Free Hospital Medical Library
  • School of Pharmacy Library
  • School of Slavonic & East European Studies Library
  • Science Library
  • Special Collections
  • Student Centre
  • UCL East Library
  • Wickford Store (not open to customers).

35. The Libraries will be open as advertised. In extreme cases such as severe weather or transport strikes, the Library reserves the right to close at short notice.

36. This set of Library Regulations form part of the Regulations for UCL; they supersede all earlier sets of Library Regulations.

37. All persons using the Library shall be subject to these Regulations, to which customers agree:

  • students, in signing UCL's enrolment form, thereby agree to abide by the Library's Regulations
  • on employment as a member of staff in UCL
  • on completion of a valid membership application form as an external customer.

38. The Regulations will be displayed on the UCL LCCOS website.

Sanctions and Penalties for Breaches of the Library Regulations
  • Some or all of your Library privileges, such as borrowing, may be removed, either temporarily or permanently.
  • You may be excluded from the Library, either temporarily or permanently, at the discretion of the LCCOS Directorate.

If the breach of Library Regulations is serious, persistent, or you fail to comply with the terms of a penalty, the following action will be taken:

  • UCL students: You will be reported to the Student and Registry Services and will be dealt with under the UCL Academic Manual – Chapter 6: Student Casework Framework
  • UCL staff: You will be reported to your Head of Department, who will consider implementing UCL's disciplinary procedures
  • External customers: You will be excluded from the Library and if appropriate, reported to the institution of which you are a member.