

Library Services


UCL Records Office Regulations

All persons using the services of the Records Office are subject to the following regulations.

Conditions of access

1. The UCL Records Office holds the internal records of UCL. These include both the archives, which are retained permanently, and records which must be held for a finite period before being destroyed. They may be consulted by UCL staff and those conducting academic research.

2. All persons using the services of the Records Office are subject to the following regulations.

Use and availability of materials

3. Archives may only be consulted in the Records Office, with the exception of staff and student personal files, and deeds, which must be collected and returned in person. Other records may be borrowed by staff.

4. Personal files are closed to assume a life span of 100 years, and will not normally be made available to researchers before the end of that period.

5. Some records may not be available for consultation, for example fragile items or those undergoing conservation.

6. Users must not damage records. This includes writing in or marking items, and removing, re-ordering or adding to pages, folios or folders.


7. Copies of records can be provided as photocopies, photographs, printouts, and digitised images, subject to conservation and copyright requirements. Users must pay the costs of reproduction.

8. Photographs may be taken with permission. Flash must be turned off.

Off-site storage

9. The Records Office is the only authorised repository for UCL records. Staff may deposit, borrow and withdraw records created by their own department, subject to the guidance and conditions provided on the Records Office web pages.

10. Only inactive records may be deposited, i.e. records which are at least one year old and which are not frequently consulted.

11. Apart from the system-generated item number, nothing may be written on deposited boxes.

12. Staff may borrow records created by their own department, and records created by another department with the written permission of the Head of that Department.

13. Requested records will be sent via UCL internal mail or the porter service. Those to be consulted in or collected from the Records Office will be held there for one week before being returned to store.

14. Borrowed records must be returned within one month. They must not be re-entered on to the Records Office database. Any records held by staff leaving UCL must be returned before the leaving date.

15. Records must not be removed from UCL premises without the permission of the Records Manager.

16. Users are responsible for items until they are returned.

Consulting material in the Records Office

17. Users may consult items in the Records Office, by prior appointment only.

18. Users must not bring food or drink into the Records Office, or use mobile phones.

19. Users must leave bags, coats, handbags, briefcases and box files with a member of the Records Office staff.

20. Records may not be removed from the table.

21. Records must not be lent upon, and tracings may not be taken.

22. Only laptops or pencils may be used for taking notes. Rubbers may not be used.

23. Users may not enter the strong room.

Breaches of the Regulations

24. Users who commit a breach of these Regulations may be excluded from the services of the Records Office. Those who commit serious or persistent breaches may be subject to disciplinary or criminal procedures. UCL staff will be reported to their Head of Department, who will consider implementing UCL's disciplinary procedures. External users will be reported to the head of their institutions.

Records Office
May 2013