

Library Services


Privacy options in UCL Profiles

Control what is included on your UCL public profile.

UCL Profiles is UCL's public profiles service, and is the public layer of RPS. It is possible to control what data is displayed on your public profile using the privacy settings in RPS. There are a number of different privacy configurations available: theÌýmain scenarios are covered below. Your public profile will be updated within a few minutes of making changes in RPS. Contact Profiles Support if you need further advice.Ìý

How to hide your entire profile from public display

This option will make your profile available only to UCL colleagues who have access to RPS. Log in to RPS, and chooseÌý'Edit my profile' on the right of the homepage. View the status of your public profile at the top right of the Edit page. SelectÌý'Internal'.

Screenshot of the Profiles privacy option box on the RPS 'Edit Profile' page

How to hide individual data fields on your profile from public display

This option allows you to keep your profile available to the public, but hide certain biographical details (for example UCL email address, phone numbers, appointments, webpage links etc.).

Log in to RPS, and chooseÌý'Edit my profile' on the right of the homepage. Scroll to the field that you want to hide, click Edit, then change Privacy level from 'Match profile: public' to 'Always internal' or 'Always private', then save. Internal means that other RPS users can view the data, Private means only you and system administrators with elevated permissions can view it.ÌýÌýÌý

A screenshot showing Profiles privacy options for data fields in the RPS 'Edit My Profile' page.

UCL email address can only be made Internal (not Private). UCL email address can only be made Internal, not Private. This will hide it from public view in Profiles, but will not affect other UCL systems e.g. UCL Directory, and willÌýnot automatically remove it from aÌýstandard UCL department 'person' webpage. For options to address this in Drupal, see our FAQ:ÌýHow do I hide my profile, or certain data fields populating it?

How to remove particularÌýpublications, professional activities, or teaching activities from your public profile

This option allows you to remove items from relevant lists in your public profile.ÌýLog in to RPS, and click on the relevant tile on your homepage:Ìý

  • Click on Publications to remove a publication from Publications > Outputs on your public profilesÌý
  • Click on Professional activities to remove an entry from Experience & expertise > Activities & rolesÌýon your public profile
  • Click on Teaching activities to remove an entry fromÌýTeaching > Teaching activities on your public profileÌý

Use the filters on the right of the page to identify the publication or activity that you want to remove.ÌýClick on the globe icon:

Image of the globe icon that brings up object privacy settings in RPS.

Set Relationship privacy to 'internal'.Ìý


Screenshot showing the privacy settings for an object in RPS

This will hide your relationship with the item in question, while still allowing others (e.g. co-authors of a publication) to be associated with it.ÌýChanging privacy for a publication will affect whether it is sent to ORCID, if you have elected in RPS to populate ORCID with your RPS publications. The relationship privacy must be set to public in order for the publication to be sent to ORCID. To manage what publications are suggested as belonging to you in RPS, review your RPS search settings.