
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Evans Collection - EVA/1/1/1-EVA/1/1/6 item descriptions

EVA/1/1/1 - Notebooks, notes, sketches and correspondence re Bosnia, Herzegovina, Greece and Macedonia (1875-1885)

Previous number: item 1

Contents: five notebooks by Evans containing notes and sketches from his travels in Bosnia, Herzegovina, Macedonia and Greece (1877, 1883 and undated), notebook containing sketches by Evans' brother Lewis (1875) and folder of notes and sketches (particularly of inscriptions) including ?original sketches later reproduced in "Through Bosnia and Herzegovina" (London, 1876); letters to Evans from the Bosnian Beys (1877) and Viscount Bryce (1885).

(Languages) English & Latin (inscriptions) & Serbo-Croat

8 envelopes and 1 folder

EVA/1/1/2 - Notes, sketches and correspondence re Bosnia, Herzegovina and Serbia (1878-1881;1932)

Previous number: part of item 2

Contents: notes, sketches and correspondence from Evans' travels in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Serbia.

(Languages) English & (small amount) German & Italian & Serbo-Croat

2 envelopes
Condition: some papers very fragile

EVA/1/1/3 - Lectures, memoranda and articles re South Slavs, the creation of a united South Slav state and the Adriatic question (1879-1918)

Previous number: part of item 5

Contents: lectures, memoranda and articles written by Evans for the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" mainly re the South Slavs, the creation of a united South Slav state and the Adriatic question. Comprises -

(Languages) English

2 envelopes

EVA/1/1/4 - Correspondence and memoranda re the Balkans (1880-1932)

Previous number: part of item 3

Contents: correspondence and memoranda re the Balkans particularly the creation of of a united South Slav state after the First World War including copies of letters from Evans' father-in-law E A Freeman to William Gladstone and from Evans to Edward Grey (1915) and letters from R W Seton-Watson (1915;1932). Also contains the following memoranda by Evans -

(Languages) (mainly) English & French & Italian

2 envelopes

See also: R W Seton-Watson archive collection SEW/17/6/13 for further Evans/Seton-Watson correspondence

EVA/1/1/5 - Notebooks and notes re early history of the South Slavs (circa) (1884)

Previous number: part of item 6

Contents: notebooks and notes by Evans on the early history of the South Slavs

(Languages) English & German

2 envelopes

EVA/1/1/6 - Correspondence and memoranda re the creation of a united South Slav state and the Adriatic question (1916-1919)

Previous number: part of item 4

Contents: correspondence and memoranda re the creation of a united South Slav state and the Adriatic question including letters sent by Evans to "The Times" and re his membership of the British-Italian League and the Serbian Society. Contains the following memoranda -

(Languages) (mainly) English & French & Italian

7 envelopes

To EVA/1 class descriptions

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