
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Independent Political Movements in the Soviet Union Collection - IND/2/1-IND/2/27 item descriptions

IND/2/1 - Papers re independent political movements in the Baltic republics (1987-1991)

Contents: papers re independent political movements in the Baltic republics including press summaries, texts of broadcasts, journal articles, notes and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/2 - Papers re the Baltic Assembly (1988-1991)

Contents: papers re the Baltic Assembly which was a meeting of representatives of the popular front movements of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in May 1989 including press summaries,texts of broadcasts and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/3 - Papers re independent political movements in Estonia (general) (1988-1991)

Contents: papers re independent political movements in Estonia (general) including journal articles, press summaries, texts of broadcasts, copies of emigre newspapers and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/4 - Papers re Communist Party of Estonia (1988-1991)

Contents: papers re Communist Party of Estonia including press summaries and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & Russian

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IND/2/5 - Papers re Congress of Estonia (1990)

Contents: papers re Congress of Estonia including declarations and press releases.

(Languages) English & Russian

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IND/2/6 - Papers re Estonian Liberal Democratic Party (1990)

Contents: papers re Estonian Liberal Democratic Party comprising party programme, interview notes and press summaries.

(Languages) English & Russian

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IND/2/7 - Papers re Estonian Party of National Independence (1990)

Contents: papers re Estonian Party of National Independence comprising press summaries and a party newsletter.

(Languages) English & Estonian & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/8 - Papers re Estonian Popular Front (Rahvarinne) (1988-1991)

Contents: papers re Estonian Popular Front (Rahvarinne) including campaign material, press summaries and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & Russian

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IND/2/9 - Papers re pro-Soviet organisations in Estonia (1989-1991)

Contents: papers re Estonian pro-Soviet organisations including copies of non official newspapers, press summaries and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & German & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/10 - Papers re Social Democratic Party of Estonia (1989-1990)

Contents: papers re Social Democratic Party of Estonia including copies of the party newspaper, party draft programme and press summaries.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/11 - Non official Estonian newspaper "Tartuskii Kurer" (1990)

Contents: copies of non official Estonian newspaper "Tartuskii Kurer".

(Languages) Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/12 - Papers re independent political movements in Latvia (general) (1988-1991)

Contents: papers re independent political movements in Latvia (general) including copies of non official newspapers, journal articles, press summaries, texts of broadcasts, press releases, notes and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & Latvian & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/13 - Papers re the Citizens' Congress of the Latvian Republic (1990)

Contents: papers re the Citizens' Congress of the Latvian Republic comprising Congress proclamations and notes.

(Languages) English

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IND/2/14 - Papers re the Latvian Helsinki-86 human rights group (1988-1989)

Contents: papers re the Latvian Helsinki-86 human rights group comprising press summaries and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & Russian

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IND/2/15 - Papers re the Latvian Internationalist People's Front (Interfront) (1989)

Contents: papers re the Latvian Internationalist People's Front (Interfront) including pamphlets, interview notes, copies of the party newspaper and press summaries.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/16 - Papers re the Latvian Movement for National Independence (1988-1989)

Contents: papers re the Latvian Movement for National Independence including journal articles and press summaries.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/17 - Papers re the Latvian Popular Front (Tautas Fronte) (1988-1990)

Contents: papers re the Latvian Popular Front including journal articles, press summaries, texts of broadcasts and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/18 - Latvian Popular Front (Tautas Fronte) newspapers "Atmoda" and "Awakening" (1989-1990)

Contents: copies of the Latvian Popular Front (Tautas Fronte) newspaper "Atmoda" and its English language edition "Awakening".

(Languages) English & Russian

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IND/2/19 - Non official Latvian periodical "Rodnik" (1988-1989)

Contents: copies of non official Latvian periodical "Rodnik".

(Languages) Russian

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IND/2/20 - Papers re independent political movements in Lithuania (general) (1988-1991)

Contents: papers re independent political movements in Lithuania (general) including typescripts, journal articles, pamphlets, press releases, texts of broadcasts, press summaries and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & German & Lithuanian & Russian

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IND/2/21 - Papers re Communist Party of Lithuania/Democratic Labour Party (1988-1991)

Contents: papers re Communist Party of Lithuania. The Party split from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in December 1989 and in December 1990 relaunched itself as the Democratic Labour Party. Includes party programmes, texts of broadcasts, press summaries, journal articles and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/22 - Non official Lithuanian newspaper "Grolos Lituy" (1990-1991)

Contents: copies of non official Lithuanian newspaper "Grolos Lituy".

(Languages) Russian

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IND/2/23 - Papers re the Lithuanian Movement for Restructuring (Sajudis) (1988-1991)

Contents: papers re the Lithuanian Movement for Restructuring (Sajudis) including journal articles, press summaries and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/24 - Lithuanian Movement for Restructuring (Sajudis) newspaper "Soglasie" (1989-1991)

Contents: copies of Lithuanian Movement for Restructuring (Sajudis) newspaper "Soglasie".

(Languages) Russian

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IND/2/25 - Miscellaneous copies of non official Lithuanian newspapers (1990-1991)

Contents: miscellaneous copies of non official Lithuanian newspapers.

(Languages) English & Lithuanian & Russian

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IND/2/26 - Papers re Unity group (Edinstvo), Lithuania (1988-1989)

Contents: papers re the pro-Soviet Unity (Edinstvo) group comprising notes, press summaries and press cuttings.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

IND/2/27 - Non official Lithuanian newspaper "Vozrozhdenie" (1988-1989)

Contents: copies of non official Lithuanian newspaper "Vozrozhdenie".

(Languages) Russian

1 envelope

To IND/2 class description

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