

UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


Institute of Physics Jocelyn Bell Burnell Graduate Fellowship fund launched

4 November 2019

The Institute of Physics has now opened the Jocelyn Bell Burnell scholarship fund, to support full or part-time graduates who wish to study towards a doctorate in physics and are from groups that are currently under-represented in physics.

 Image of Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell giving a keynote address at Inspirefest 2015. This picture was taken by Conor McCabe Photography.

The fund has been made possible thanks to Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell's generous donation of her £2.3m Breakthrough Prize. Details of this prize, and Professor Bell Burnell's work, can be

The fund is administered and managed by the IOP and supported by a panel that reviews qualifying applicants and selects those to be funded. If you have any queries about the fund, please email bellburnellfund@iop.org. You can also download the guide to the Bell Burnell Graduate Scholarship Fund with the eligibility criteria and information for students and prospective host universities/institutions on the IoP Website.

Full information about the scheme and eligibility criteria are here: