

UCL mediacentral


View Analytics

When logged into Mediacentral you can use My Admin Area to gather the statistics on you media files

Screen shot of My Analytics window in Mediacentral

How to see your media analytics

First go to the portal and log in.

ÌýOnce you are logged in you shouldÌýclick on the My Account icon and choose My Admin Area,Ìýthis will bring up a window:

Screenshot of My Admin Area

Then choose the Analytics button as seen on the above image. This will then show you the analytics of your content including public videosÌýand provides a top-level overview of various statistics, graphs, and totals.ÌýThe Overview area displays such information as the top viewed content in the media library, the number of plays and completed plays, plays by device, media in category, uploader leaderboard, number of logins, encoder outcome (successful vs. failed encodes), most commented upon media, and key figures.

Screenshot of the Publicly available media assets

You can then choose to look at the analytics of your media files by choosing Media Item in the lefthand menu. You can search via:

  • °­±ð²â·É´Ç°ù»å²õ:ÌýEnter a keyword for the clip(s) to search for
  • Category: ÌýÌýSelect the category where the clip(s) reside
  • °ä´Ç²Ô³Ù°ù¾±²ú³Ü³Ù´Ç°ù:ÌýEnter the name of the contributor
  • ¹ó¾±±ô±ð²Ô²¹³¾±ð:ÌýIf the exact file name is known, it can be entered to find the exact clip

To see all your content just choose the Category Personal

Screen shot showing Media Item webpage
Then click on ³§±ð²¹°ù³¦³óÌýwhich will give you a list of your content

Screenshotlist of media content
Choose the video you wish to see analytics andÌýclick onÌýtheÌýdownwards arrowÌýon the right-hand side to reveal more information about the media file or click on the Tick icon to choose the video you wish to see the detailedÌýanalytics.

Screenshot of single video analytics
YouÌýcan now see the analytics and drill down further byÌýselecting Custom toÌýreturn the analytics for a given period, you can chooseÌýLast Week, Last Month, Last 3 Months, Last Year or All Time:


Screensho of date range choice from calendar

The different sections of the Analytics page are defined as

Engagement by clip position

Screenshot Engagement by clip position

When users inÌýMediacentralÌýplay the clip, a percentage of their engagement is built up. This is aggregated across all users that view the clip. As you play the media here a time indication and graph shape will show where users lost engagement with the media.Ìý

Plays by device

Screenshot of Plays by device
As on the Analytics Overview screen, this shows the distribution of plays across different devices


Combined by time

Screenshot Combined by time
Check the boxes to add a line graph total of the following by time (the time-line varies according to the period selected at the top):
  • PlaysÌý- The total individual plays of the media item regardless of who played it, and how many times it was played. Grouped into days or months as appropriate to period selection.
  • Average Daily UniquesÌý- The average of the number of users playing the clip each day. (The same user viewing a clip multiple times in the same day registers as just one play).
  • Total time watched (hours)Ìý- Shows the total number of hours the clip has been watched across the date range.
  • CompletesÌý- When the playback duration for a clip reaches 80% (for each user viewing it), it is considered mostly complete. A date stamp is held for this point in time. These date stamps are used to find how many mostly completed clips there are for the time period shown on the graph.

Engagement by person

Screenshot Engagement by person

There is a list of statistics that are gathered per user against each media item viewed. These can be seen by clicking on the graph element for each user shown. One of those statistics is the engagement percentage (percentage viewed of media file). This is the one shown by default in this graph.

Additional statistics are for those who have Elevated rights, are Category or Local Group users or System Administrators

If you wish to have further detailedÌýinformationÌýabout a media file you can request this by contacting the Mediacentral team via theÌýPortal.