

UCL News


°ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼issues reminder to students about outstanding student accommodation fees

3 June 2016

UCL Accommodation has this week issued a letter to students who are in arrears on their accommodation fees, asking them to settle the outstanding balance on their accounts.

UCL agree compensation for students living in Campbell House West

The letter encourages students to pay their fees by 12 June so they don't incur a late payment fee. Two further reminder letters will be issued, week commencing 6 June and 13 June respectively, to students who do not pay their outstanding balance.

If an outstanding balance remains unpaid by 24 June 2016, UCL, as a last resort, will forward the debt to our debt collection agency to recover the monies owed.

We understand that some students are in genuine financial difficulty and we can assure you th°ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼ continues to offer support to help ensure these students will not be disadvantaged. This includes the option to take up instalment plans.

In addition, students who indicate they are unable to pay due to financial reasons will be referred to the UCLU Student Funding Welfare team for advice on budgeting and how to apply for access to UCL welfare funds.

Withholding payment

A minority of the students who have received the letter are participating in the 'Cut the Rent' campaign by withholding payment of accommodation fees. While UCL understands concerns regarding living costs in London, this is not a legitimate reason for withholding rent and UCL can neither condone nor ignore the action of the minority of students.

It would be unfair to do so, both to current students - the vast majority of whom have paid their accommodation fees - as well as to future generations of UCL students, who would bear the cost of any shortfall through less maintenance, poorer quality facilities and, ultimately, less accommodation.

We recognise the issues around the costs of studying and living in London, and for that reason UCL has taken positive action to improve the affordability of student accommodation, as far as it is within our control. This has included:

  • Lowering and freezing rents in the lower price range. This will mean that 30% of UCL accommodation will be below £150 per week from 2016/17.
  • Reducing the standard lettingÌýperiod fromÌý40 to 39 weeks in the next academic year, an annual saving of 2.5% for every student in halls.
  • Creating additional bed spaces at lower rents, including more affordable shared rooms.
  • Actively considering providing accommodation bursaries to assist students most in need.

UCL rent-guarantor scheme

UCL runs a rent-guarantor scheme in which the university offers to stand as a guarantor to students who move into private accommodation, effectively guaranteeing payment of rent. In the event of non-payment, UCL becomes liable for any debts incurred.ÌýThe scheme is only available to students without any debt to the university and we will not act as a guarantor to anyone who owes the university money.

The letter sent to students this week highlights that students who have applied to join the guarantor scheme need to resolve any outstanding debt to UCL before being considered.


Duncan Palmer, Head of Student Accommodation, UCL Estates