

UCL News


Take part in an online survey examining students' experience with anxiety

27 October 2016

As part of the Doctor in Education programme at the UCL Institute of Education, Amanda Jones is asking fellow students to complete an online survey examining students' different experiences with anxiety and how they've coped while studying at university.

Take part in an online survey examining students’ experience with anxiety

The aim of the project is to compare responses to an online survey on anxiety between students without dyslexia as compared to those with dyslexia.

Why is this work being done?

Amanda is interested in the types of experiences that adult learners have with anxiety in the university environment. She is also interested in finding out about the coping strategies that are useful to deal with both university work in general and to deal with anxiety. Students experiences with anxiety and with coping strategies remains relatively under researched and undocumented. This study aims to address this gap.

What will happen if you choose to take part?

The questionnaire will be used for the purpose of obtaining information on anxiety. You will be asked to respond to a set of statements by selecting from a choice of 3 different options based on how you generally feel in relation to each statement.

What will happen to the results of the project?

All information provided by participants will be kept strictly confidential and in the writing-up of the research participants will not be identified. The findings will enable a detailed account to be provided of the nature and causes of student anxiety and the coping strategies that are viewed to be effective and helpful techniques to deal with university work in general and also to deal with targeting the anxiety. Amanda is available to give feedback on the results of the research.

This research project has been approved by the UCL Institute of Education Research Ethics and Governance Adminsitrator.

For more information please contact Amanda Jones.

Amanda Jones, Doctoral School, UCL Institute of Education