

UCL News


Seven Questions with Arina Al Rhosky

29 November 2018

Arina is a second year undergrad who is a great advocate of STEMM subjects. She also has a penchant for musicals and DC comics when she's not leading Engineers for International Development (EFID) Outreach.

Student A Rhosky

What are you studying, why are you interested in this subject and what do you plan to do in the future?
I’m in my second year of Mechanical Engineering with Business Finance. I’ve always enjoyed learning more about science and honestly, I couldn’t picture myself outside of the STEMM field I’ve grown to love.

What is the most interesting thing you’ve done, seen or got involved with while ʷ¼?
I’m currently leading a project called Engineers for International Development (EFID) Outreach. We’re aiming to get younger students to develop interest in STEMM by conducting interactive workshops where we get them to build DIY rollercoasters based on the Engineering Cycle.

I think it’s especially important since younger students tend to associate Science and Maths with uninspiring equations which don’t seem to have much real world grounding. However, learning basics like algebra is similar to learning how to paint a fence; it is not the most exciting work but it will help you build a beautiful house in a few years.

We try to bridge this gap by allowing them to brainstorm their idea of a mock rollercoaster while teaching them some useful knowledge along the way such as frictional force.

Have you discovered any hidden gems during your time ʷ¼? (Quiet study spaces, coffee shops, shortcuts around campus, interesting events, gigs, pubs)
There’s a lovely Korean restaurant about 10 minutes’ walk from UCL called Seoul Bakery. It seats less than 15 people so do expect a line!

Give us your top three things to do/see/go to in London:
Gigs and concerts. I recently went to one where RAYE performed a stripped down version of “Ice Cream” which brought us all to tears (herself included).

Boat parties. Not much can beat the feeling of passing under the brightly-lit London Tower Bridge at night.

West End shows. My personal favourite? Mamma Mia

If you were Provost for the day what one thing would you do?
Make it a rule not to have multiple deadline submissions on the same day. I had three last Friday and it was a nightmare.

Who inspires you and why?
Malala Yousafzai. It’s already so courageous to make herself vulnerable by speaking out about every girl’s right to learn; even more so by continuing on that struggle after all she’s been through.

What would it surprise people to know about you?
I enjoy reading DC comic books in my (fleeting) spare time.