

UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


LangCog Seminar - Mirjam Gauch & Prof. Sabine Corsten

06 November 2024, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Mirjam Gauch & Sabine Corsten

How to Cope PPA?: Using a Biographic-Narrative Approach in People with Primary Progressive Aphasia

Event Information

Open to



Richard Talbot – Language & Cognition
0207 504 4157


Chandler House
2 Wakefield Street
United Kingdom


About the Speaker

Mirjam Gauch & Prof. Sabine Corsten

Mirjam Gauch, M.Sc.

Mirjam Gauch is a speech and language therapist and PhD student at the University Hospital in Mainz, Germany. She holds a bachelor's and master's degree in clinical expertise from the Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Mainz. In the past, she has been involved in two projects on teletherapy for neurological speech/language disorders. She is interested in clinical research for people with communication disorders, especially primary progressive aphasia.

Prof. Sabine Corsten

Dr. Sabine Corsten is a Professor for Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences (Speech Therapy) at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, Germany. She has focused her research on participatory and quality of life-oriented interventions for people with aphasia and in old age. In her research she explores how identity changes after having aphasia. She has led the development of the biographical narrative approach 'narraktiv' in Germany. Currently she is involved in the development of digital solutions to support biography work and social networking.