

UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy


Prof. Gerhard Materlik wins Glazebrook Medal prize

16 July 2014

Prof. Gerhard Materlik has been commended with the Glazebrook Medal by the Institute of Physics for outstanding leadership in establishing a world-leading laboratory at the Diamond Light Source and for his innovations in X-ray diffraction physics.

Professor Materlik is one of the outstanding leaders in the field of synchrotron radiation research. He has made many important contributions to the techniques of synchrotron X-ray science, has played a major advisory role in many international laboratories. Materlik was intimately involved at Hamburg University and the DESY laboratory in the development of new techniques in X-ray physics, now employed world-wide. In addition to his crucial contributions to work on X-ray standing waves, holographic imaging and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy, he showed in an early paper how milli-electron volt resolution could be achieved by X-ray backscattering. Subsequent to this important experimental advance, the technique of synchrotron X-ray inelastic scattering has been further developed to rival neutron scattering in studies of phonon dynamics in solids and liquids.

As Chief Executive of the Diamond Light Source, he has guided the design, construction and operation of a facility that has rapidly become one of the world’s leading user centres for synchrotron X-ray research.


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