

UCL Policy Lab


Progressive ecosystem


Research is clear that when the bonds between politicians, policy experts, community campaigners, cultural leaders, businesses, and philanthropists are powerful, then so is the energy, optimism and solidarity that animates their collective endeavour. And this has rarely been more important. As recent international examples show, governments faced with historically difficult circumstances have to rely on stronger relationships of trust and affinity with a more diverse set of organisations and individuals in order to lead truly impactful policy change.

The Progressive Ecosystem project, a partnership between UCL Policy Lab and This Day foundation, builds on this realisation. Drawing on UCL’s almost 200-year history of leading disruptive change, it brings community campaigners, innovators, policy experts, researchers and civic leaders together, so as they can better understand how to bring about social improvement together. As the issues confronting the world become ever more pressing and intractable, building this shared vision has never been more urgent. 

To get in touch and learn more about the Progressive Ecosystem project’s work, contact James Baggaley (j.baggaley@ucl.ac.uk).