

Research and Innovation Services


Update to UKRI terms and conditions

27 April 2022

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has updated its full economic cost (fEC) grant terms and conditions and training grant terms and conditions.


UCL staff responsible for supporting research applications and managing active awards from UKRI and its research councils should familiarise themselves with the updates and implement any changes required to local processes ensure compliance. 

National security and investment requirements

UKRI has added a new condition to reflect the statutory requirements introduced through the National Security and Investment (NSI) Act 2021.

The Act, which came into force on 4 January 2022, enables the government to scrutinise and intervene in certain acquisitions that could harm the UK’s national security.

Research organisations must ensure they follow the rules of this new legislation. Further information and guidance is available on the Research Services website. 

Governance of good research practice

The revised UKRI governance of good research practice policy replaces the Research Councils UK (RCUK) policy on the governance of good research conduct. 

Organisations are expected to have policies and activities in place that foster a diverse and dynamic research and innovation environment. 

UKRI has produced supplementary guidance that should be read alongside the revised policy, which can be accessed on the UKRI Good research resource hub.

Open access policy

UKRI has revised its terms and conditions in response to its new open access policy introduced on 1 April 2022. The policy will apply to the following:

  • research articles submitted for publication after 1 April 2022
  • monographs, book chapters and edited collections published on or after 1 January 2024.

Further information about complying with the new UKRI open access policy can be found on the UCL Library Services website.

Updates to supporting information

UKRI has also updated its supporting information within the terms and conditions guidance relating to the following areas:

  • Supporting staff: additional information on employment and staff costs, clarifying UKRIs position on eligible funding and how UKRI continues to support research staff
  • Covid-19 support: clarity on URKI sick leave policy for training grants. 

Further information

The updated fEC and training grant terms and conditions, effective as of 5 April 2022, are available on the UKRI website.