

Research Integrity


Off-Site and Lone Working

Off site Working

Off-site working is defined as any teaching, research or work activity carried out by UCL staff, students or visiting research workers on behalf of UCL in places or premises which are not rented or owned by UCL and over which UCL does not exert direct management control.

If part of the research will be conducted away from UCL premises, such as during data collection, you should refer to the UCL guidance on off-site working produced by UCL Estates.

Lone Working

There is additional guidance relating to 'lone working' which should also be referred to if a member of the research team (including staff, students, visitors and contractors ) will be working alone at any time during the research, such as visiting a participant's home or other forms of lone data collection or working within laboratories.

Further guidance as a list of UCL safety guidance which includes information on managing health and safety in research (available on UCL's Safety Services website).

Overseas Research

Researchers working overseas should also refer to the guidance on research outside the UK.