

Research Integrity


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This code of conduct should be read in conjunction with the following policies and guidance:

  1. UCL’s Mission Statement
  2. Ìý
  3. UCL Statement on Research Integrity
  4. UCL Research Integrity Framework
  5. Core Behaviours Framework
  6. Procedure for investigating and resolving allegations of misconduct in academic research
  7. UCL Disciplinary PolicyÌý Ìý
  8. Student Academic Misconduct Procedure Ìý
  9. Third Party Notification Group
  10. UCL Disclosure of Conflict and Declaration of Interest PolicyÌýÌý ÌýÌý
  11. Personal Relationships Policy
  12. Prevention of Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
  13. UCL guidance on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion ÌýÌý
  14. Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy and Procedure
  15. Ìý
  16. Research staff Code of Practice
  17. UCL Research Integrity Training Framework
  18. UCL Financial Regulations (log in required)
  19. UCL Post Award Policy
  20. Research Development Concordat
  21. UCL Statement on Transparency
  22. UCL Research Data Policy
  23. UCL Sustainability Policy and Strategy
  24. Ìý
  25. Information on Institutional Authorisation by Research Services ÌýÌý
  26. UCL Research Funding Ethics Policy
  27. UCL Biological Services
  28. UCL Health and Safety Policy Ìý
  29. Study leave
  30. UCL Data Protection Policy
  31. UCLC Privacy Policy
  32. UCL Records Retention Schedule Ìý
  33. Access and Benefit Sharing of genetic resources ÌýÌý
  34. Export Controls of dual-use goods Ìý Ìý
  35. Sensitive Research °ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼ ÌýÌý
  36. CRediT taxonomy Ìý
  37. UCL Open Access Policy Ìý Ìý
  38. UCL Intellectual Property policyÌý
  39. Information on copyright
  40. UCL Research Innovation and Global Engagement Committee Ìý
  41. UCL Insurance policies
  42. DORA