

UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


Zhu Yu

Building a mandatory and effective response framework to the disaster chain: Managing hazard materials as a case study

Supervisor: Bayes Ahmed and Yasmine Sabri
Funding source: Self
Email: zhu.yu.20@ucl.ac.uk

Along with rapid population growth, the constant development of the social economy and acceleration of urbanisation, increased disasters have produced more severe hazard on production, human life, and socioeconomic development. The chain rule of disaster most of the time makes this effect even more aggravated. So, the disaster chain has become a most immediate need in the disaster research field. In order to minimise the cascading risk, truly reduce the impact of disaster chains on human life and property, I reckon it is necessary to build a mandatory, effective and applicable response framework in both domestic and international levels.

The objects of this research are twofold:

  1. To analyse the most vital shortcomings of existing cascading risk response mechanism, including early warning, legal system settings, building construction standards.
  2. To propose a set of international and practical risk management framework for disaster chain.